Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Outbound Call Task Monitoring Report

The outbound call task monitoring data can be displayed in reports so that administrators can track the execution of outbound call tasks promptly.


  1. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Outbound Call > Call Monitor.

    Figure 1 Call Monitor

  2. Click an outbound call task to access the Monitoring Task Indicators page.

    Figure 2 Monitoring Task Indicators
    • In Completeness Of All Batches or Completion Of Initiated Batches, view statistics on the completion status of the outbound call task, including the number of completed calls, number of uncompleted calls, number of pending calls, and number of records in the special list.
    • In Today's Business Targets, view the number of calls that are completed on the current day with their business results marked as Business Target.
    • In Today's Business Targets Per Hour, view the number of today's calls that have achieved the business target per hour, which is calculated as follows: Number of today's calls that have achieved the business target/Number of valid outbound call hours.
    • In Today's Call Statistics, view the data of Call Completion Rate, Number of successful calls, Number of failed calls, Outbound Call Customers Not Completed, Average Call Duration, Abandoned Calls, Number of unsubmitted business results, and Voicemail Percentage.
      Table 1 Indicators in the Today's Call Statistics area



      Call Completion Rate

      The formula is as follows: Number of successful calls/(Number of successful calls + Number of failed calls).

      Number of successful calls

      Number of completed and uncompleted calls that are successful on the current day.

      Number of failed calls

      Number of completed and uncompleted calls that fail on the current day. After a reserved manual outbound call made to a customer fails, if another call attempt is made and fails again, only one failure record is counted.

      Outbound Call Customers Not Completed

      Number of uncompleted calls.

      Average Call Duration

      Average call duration.

      Abandoned Calls

      Number of calls that customers hang up when waiting in skill queues.

      Number of unsubmitted business results

      Number of completed outbound calls, uncompleted outbound calls, and reserved manual outbound calls that are successful and not marked with business results on the current day.

      Voicemail Percentage

      The formula is as follows: Number of outbound calls that are transferred to the voice mailbox/(Number of successful outbound calls + Number of failed outbound calls).

    • In Today's business Results Report, view the details of business results marked for outbound calls in the outbound call task in a specified time range.
    • In Today's Indicator Trend, view the trends of 15-minute indicators of the outbound call task on the current day, including Number of completed calls, Number of business targets, Abandoned Calls, Percentage of business targets, and Call Success Rate.
      Table 2 Indicators in the Today's Indicator Trend area



      Number of completed calls

      The formula is as follows: Number of completed outbound calls + Number of uncompleted outbound calls + Number of completed reserved manual outbound calls.

      Number of business targets

      Number of completed outbound calls, uncompleted outbound calls, and reserved manual outbound calls that are successful and whose business results are marked as Business Target.

      Abandoned Calls

      Number of calls that are hung up when waiting in skill queues.

      Percentage of business targets

      The formula is as follows: Number of calls that have achieved the business target/Number of successful outbound calls.

      Call Completion Rate

      The formula is as follows: Number of successful outbound calls/Number of outbound calls.

    • On the Agent Monitoring tab page, view the current status and status duration of all agents in the tenant space.
      • An inspector can perform real-time inspection operations on a specific agent, including Screen QC, Force Busy, Force Idle, Force Out, and Force Release.
      • When the Online Chat and Intelligent Outbound Call features are enabled for the current tenant, a supervisor can click Chat corresponding to an agent and send an instant message to the agent, as shown in Figure 3. The agent receives a screen pop-up as shown in Figure 4, and can click in the lower right corner of the page to view the session list. To use this function, an agent needs to contact the tenant administrator to grant the Message Sending permission. The tenant administrator has this permission by default.
        Figure 3 Instant message sent by a supervisor
        Figure 4 Screen pop-up received by an agent
      • Click to view the indicator statistics of rest reasons. You can configure rest reasons on the Configuration Center > Workbench Configuration > Rest Reason page.
      • Click More, select Common agent, Quality checker, or Callout agent, and search for data based on the selected platform role.
    • On the Agent State Trend tab page, view today's statistics on the number of agents in a specified state for every 5 minutes. By default, the statistics on agents in the Online, Idle, Talking, and Busy states are displayed.
      Figure 5 Agent State Trend

      The agent state trend chart displays the data of agent states at the data collection time point instead of agent states in a certain time range. For example, if an agent is in the Idle state from 19:11:00 to 19:14:00 and in the Rest state (marked with rest reason A) at 19:15:00, which is the data collection time point, the number of rest reason As is incremented by 1 at 19:15:00.

    • On the Call Statistics tab page, view the progress of the outbound call task. (This tab page is displayed only for predicted, previewed, and preempted outbound call tasks.)
      Figure 6 Call Statistics
    • On the Call Quality Statistics tab page, view the call connection rate and abandonment rate (displayed in a line chart). You can select a date that is not earlier than the task start date or later than the current date. (This tab page is displayed only for predicted, previewed, and preempted outbound call tasks.)
      Figure 7 Call Quality Statistics
    • On the Call Monitoring tab page, view the monitoring chart of the task. (This tab page is displayed only for predicted outbound call tasks.) The bar chart is refreshed every 15 minutes and displays the following data: Connected Calls, Calls Answered by Agents, Queuing Calls, Abandoned Calls, and Lost Calls.
      Figure 8 Call Monitoring
    • On the OBS Data Monitoring tab page, view OBS data monitoring information. (This tab page is displayed only for predicted, previewed, preempted, and fixed outbound call tasks.)
      Figure 9 OBS Data Monitoring

  3. Click the Agent Monitoring tab.

    Figure 10 Agent Monitoring
    • Enter the name of an outbound call task and click to search for the monitoring data of the outbound call task.
    • Click to export agent monitoring data. Click to view the export record.
    • Click to sort the data of an indicator in ascending or descending order.

  4. Click the Indicator Monitoring tab.

    Figure 11 Indicator Monitoring
    • Indicator monitoring information of 30-Minute Indicator and Indicator of the current day are displayed.
    • Enter the name of an outbound call task and click to search for the monitoring data of the outbound call task.
    • Click to export indicator monitoring data.
    • Click to sort the data of an indicator in ascending or descending order.

  5. Click the Task overview tab.

    Figure 12 Task overview
    • Enter the name of an outbound call task and click to search for the monitoring data of the outbound call task.
    • Click to export report data.
    • Click to sort the data of an indicator in ascending or descending order.