Updated on 2024-06-26 GMT+08:00

Configuring GZIP Data Compression for a LoadBalancer Ingress

LoadBalancer ingresses support data compression, which reduces the size of files to be transferred, improves file transfer efficiency, and reduces the bandwidth needed for the transmission.

Notes and Constraints

  • This feature is available in the following versions:
    • v1.23: v1.23.14-r0 or later
    • v1.25: v1.25.9-r0 or later
    • v1.27: v1.27.6-r0 or later
    • v1.28: v1.28.4-r0 or later
    • Versions later than v1.28
  • To create a cluster using commands, ensure kubectl is used. For details, see Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl.

Using the CCE Console

  1. Log in to the CCE console and click the cluster name to access the cluster console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Services & Ingresses. Click the Ingresses tab and click Create Ingress in the upper right corner.
  3. Configure ingress parameters. In this example, only mandatory parameters are listed. For details about how to configure other parameters, see Creating a LoadBalancer Ingress on the Console.

    • Name: can be the same as the workload name.
    • Load Balancer: Select a load balancer type and creation mode.
      • In this example, only dedicated load balancers are supported.
      • This section uses an existing load balancer as an example. For details about the parameters for automatically creating a load balancer, see load balancers.
    • Listener
      • External Protocol: HTTP and HTTPS are available. This section uses HTTP as an example.
      • External Port: port number that is open to the ELB service address. The port number is configurable.
      • Advanced Options




        Data Compression

        If this function is enabled, specific files will be compressed. If you do not enable this function, files will not be compressed.

        • Brotli can compress all file formats.
        • GZIP can compress the files in the following format:

          text, xml text, plain text, css application, javascript application, x-javascript application, rss+xml application, atom+xml application, xml application, or json

        This function is available only for dedicated load balancers.

        Figure 1 Configuring GZIP data compression
    • Forwarding Policy: Specify a domain name matching rule and the target Service to be accessed. When the access address of a request matches the forwarding policy (a forwarding policy consists of a domain name and URL, for example,, the request will be forwarded to the target Service for processing.

  4. Click OK.

Using kubectl

The following uses an existing created load balancer as an example. The YAML file is configured as follows:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress 
  name: ingress-test
    kubernetes.io/elb.id: <your_elb_id>                 # Replace it with the ID of your existing load balancer.
    kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance                # Load balancer type
    kubernetes.io/elb.port: '80'
    kubernetes.io/elb.gzip-enabled: 'true'              # Enable data compression.
  - host: ''
      - path: '/'
            name: <your_service_name>  # Replace it with the name of your target Service.
              number: 8080             # Replace 8080 with the port number of your target Service.
          ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
        pathType: ImplementationSpecific
  ingressClassName: cce     
Table 1 Key parameters






  • true: Data compression is enabled, and specific file types will be compressed.
  • false: Data compression is disabled, and no files will be compressed. By default, data compression is disabled.

The files in the following format can be compressed:

  • Brotli can compress all file formats.
  • GZIP can compress the files in the following format: text, xml text, plain text, css application, javascript application, x-javascript application, rss+xml application, atom+xml application, xml application, or json

This function is available only for HTTP/HTTPS listeners of dedicated load balancers.