Updated on 2024-07-30 GMT+08:00

Editing a Recurring Meeting


This API is used to edit a recurring meeting. 1. Call this API only after login. 2. This API is an asynchronous API. The return value only indicates whether the API is successfully called. The actual service processing result is returned in the corresponding callback function.

Function Prototype

modifySubCycleConf(modifySubCycleConfParam: ModifySubCycleConfParam, onModifySubCycleConfResult?: (ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void): voidmodifySubCycleConf(modifySubCycleConfParam: ModifySubCycleConfParam, onModifySubCycleConfResult?: (ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void): void

Request Parameters

Table 1 Input parameter description
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
modifySubCycleConfParam Yes ModifySubCycleConfParam Parameters for editing a recurring meeting.
onModifySubCycleConfResult Yes (ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void Callback of editing a recurring meeting.
Table 2 ModifySubCycleConfParam
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
confId Yes string Meeting ID.
subConfID Yes string UUID of a recurring meeting.
mediaType Yes MediaType Meeting type.
startTime No number Meeting start time (UTC time), in seconds.
duration Yes number Meeting duration, in minutes.
isAutoRecord No boolean Whether automatic meeting recording is enabled. If automatic meeting recording is enabled, the meeting will be recorded by default, regardless of whether recording is enabled or disabled in the meeting. This parameter is valid only for cloud recording, not for local recording on clients.
recordAuthType No RecordAuthType Recording authentication mode.
confAllowJoinUser No ConfAllowJoinUserType Users who are allowed to join the meeting. By default, everyone is allowed.
allowGuestStartConf No boolean Whether to allow guests to start the meeting.
allowGuestStartConfTime No number Time range for a guest to join the meeting in advance, in minutes. 0: at any time; n: n minutes in advance.
Table 3 Enumerated values of MediaType
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description
Table 4 Enumerated values of RecordAuthType
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description
REOCRD_AUTH_TYPE_ANYONE 0 The recording can be viewed or downloaded through link (no nonce is added).
REOCRD_AUTH_TYPE_IN_COMPANY_USER 1 Corporate users can view or download the recording.
REOCRD_AUTH_TYPE_ATTENDEE 2 Participants can view or download the recording.
Table 5 Enumerated values of ConfAllowJoinUserType
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description
CONF_ALLOW_JOIN_IN_COMPANY_USER 2 Corporate users only.
CONF_ALLOW_JOIN_INVITED_USER 3 Invited users only.

Return Values


Callback Method Parameters

(ret: SDKERR, reason: string) => void

Table 6 Input parameter description
Parameter Type Description
ret For details about SDKERR, see Error Code Reference. Error code.
reason string Error description.