Updated on 2025-02-22 GMT+08:00

Viewing the Database Evaluation Result

This section describes how to view details of an evaluated project, including the source and target database analysis results. This helps you select a target database.


If Skip Target DB Evaluation is selected setting when you create an evaluation project, there are only the basic information of recommended target databases on the Target DB Analysis tab.

Viewing the Collection Result of a Source Database

  1. Log in to the UGO console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Schema Migration > DB Evaluation.

    • All the evaluation projects are displayed in the list. You can view the project basic information, including the project name/ID, connection type, and project status. The project ID can be directly copied.
    • If there are many projects, you can search for them by project status, tag, project name, or project ID.
    Figure 1 Viewing the created project

  3. Click a project name. The Source DB Analysis tab page is displayed by default. Table 1 describes functions on this page.

    Figure 2 Source DB Analysis

  4. Click View Object Details. In the displayed schema list, view the object name, object type, and DDL collection status.

    Figure 3 Database schemas
    • You can search for data by DDL collection status, schema, wrap encryption status, or specific object name.
    • For details about incremental evaluation, see Performing an Incremental Evaluation.
    • For details about how to re-collect objects, see Re-Collecting Objects.
    • The collected object types vary depending on the source data structure. For details, see Table 2.

  5. Click View Details to view DDL statements of the object.

    Figure 4 DDL statement details

The source database syntax is complex and flexible, so the workload evaluation and object evaluation statistics are for reference only.

Viewing the Analysis Result of a Target Database

  1. Log in to the UGO console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Schema Migration > DB Evaluation.
  3. Click a project name to go to the Source DB Analysis tab page.
  4. Click the Target DB Analysis tab. Table 3 describes functions on this page. If you deselect Skip Target DB Evaluation in 8, the following page is displayed.

    Figure 5 Target DB Analysis

  5. Based on the analysis result, select the target database and click Confirm Database Selection.

    The target database cannot be modified after it is confirmed.

Page Functions

Table 1 Functions on the Source DB Analysis tab page



Basic information

Displays basic information, including the project name, source database type, database version, database name, number of instances, and database memory.


If the source database type is GoldenDB, the database configuration and instance quantity are not displayed.

If the source database type is MySQL and GoldenDB, database names are not displayed.

Object statistics

Displays the number of database objects, which may vary depending on the source database type.

Click View Object Details to view schema details. For details, see Table 2.


Objects of some types (such as cluster) are not displayed.

Object distribution

Displays the database object statistics in a bar chart. Hovering over on a bar shows the exact values.

The source database analysis result provides a reference for you to select a target database.

Table 2 Functions in the schema list



Schema list

Displays the schema, object name, object type, and operation.

  • If there is a large amount of data, you can search for your desire data by DDL collection status, schema, wrapped object status (only available for Oracle database), or object name.
  • Incremental evaluation: The SQL data has to be incrementally evaluated if:
    • The DDL collection status is Not collected.
    • The wrapped objects are edited.
  • Click View Details in the Operation column to view the detailed information and SQL script of the object.
  • Locate an object and click Edit SQL in the Operation column to edit the SQL script of the object.
  • When the source database type is Microsoft SQL Server, incremental evaluation is not supported and SQL scripts cannot be edited.
  • If the source database type is PostgreSQL, SQL scripts cannot be edited.
  • Edit SQL is available only when the target database is not confirmed and any of the following conditions is met:
    • The wrapped objects are edited.
    • DDL Collection Status of the object is displayed as Not collected.

Objects (Oracle as the source)

Include storage objects, code objects, job objects, and management. You can click an object to view details.

  • Storage: include SEQUENCE, TABLE, INDEX, SYNONYM, and TYPE.

    When the number of level-1 partitions in a table exceeds the upper limit (3,000 by default), UGO only collects key information, such as schema name, table name, column name, column data type, constraints of unique keys, primary keys, checks, and foreign keys, level-1 partition type, partition column, partition name, and partition range (partition information collection is ignored for automated partitioned tables).

  • Management: include USER, ROLE, and GRANT.

DB Objects (for MySQL database)

Include storage objects, code objects, and management objects. You can click an object to view details.

  • Storage: include TABLE, VIEW, and SCHEMA.
  • Code: include FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, and TRIGGER.
  • Management: includes GRANT, ROLE, and USER.

Objects (PostgreSQL as the source database)

Include storage objects and code objects. You can click an object to view details.

  • Storage: includes SCHEMA, TABLE, and INDEX.
  • Code: includes VIEW, TRIGGER, PROCEDURE, and FUNCTION.
  • Management: includes GRANT and ROLE.

Objects (GoldenDB as the source database)

Include storage objects, code objects, and management objects. You can click an object to view details.

  • Storage: include TABLE, VIEW, and SCHEMA.
  • Code: include FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, and TRIGGER.
  • Management: includes GRANT, ROLE, and USER.

Objects (Microsoft SQL Server as the source)

Include storage objects and code objects. You can click an object to view details.

  • Storage: include SCHEMA, TABLE, VIEW, and INDEX.
  • Code: include TRIGGER, FUNCTION, and PROCEDURE.
Table 3 Function description of the Target DB Analysis tab




Target database selection

Summary report

Click Summary Report to download the compatibility evaluation summary report in PDF format to the local PC. You can view basic information about the source database and analysis result of the target database.

Database list

The names, versions, and conversion success rates of recommended target databases are displayed.

  • By default, a database with the highest success rate is selected. You can also select other databases.
  • The database compatibility evaluation changes as you change the target database. Comprehensive evaluation facilitates you to make a choice.

Target database confirmation

You can determine the target database type to complete the evaluation.

If the target database has been confirmed, the button is unavailable.

Object re-valuation

This function is displayed only when Project Status is In progress. Confirm Target DB Pending.

You can re-evaluate objects as needed.

The time required depends on the number of objects.


After the re-evaluation, the target database, workload evaluation, object conversion statistics, and partially compatible/incompatible syntax are displayed.

Compatibility analysis

Dynamic SQL evaluation

Only when the source database is Oracle, information such as object type, schema name, object name, and dynamic SQL information are displayed.

Click Dynamic SQL Evaluation Report to download the evaluation report, which contains the object type, object name, keyword, location, and statements.

Workload evaluation

The estimated workloads required for reconstructing common objects, system objects and other objects during database migration are displayed.

Evaluation statistics

The information of supported and unsupported objects is displayed. Natively compatible objects, compatible objects after conversion, and partially compatible objects are supported.

Move the cursor to a bar chart to view the conversion details. You can click a bar chart to view the conversion analysis details, which are displayed by partially compatible and incompatible objects.

Click View Object Details to view partially compatible and incompatible objects.

Click Compatibility Report to download the report, which contains all source SQL statements and details about any syntax conversion failures.

Click Compatibility Report (Anonymized) to download the report, which contains all source SQL statements and details about any syntax conversion failures. The statements will be anonymized, so the actual syntax will not be exposed.

Partially compatible/Incompatible syntax rules

All partially compatible or uncompatible syntax during database object conversion, object scopes, types, risk levels, quantities, and explanations are displayed. There are partially compatible syntax and uncompatible syntax rules. You can view their definitions and the quantity of partially compatible syntax rules. The risk levels are classified for partially compatible syntax rules.

Locate the syntax and click View Definition in the Operation column. If a syntax point is partially compatible, UGO provides different conversion configuration items for the syntax point. During the migration, you can select a configuration item as needed.

If no modification suggestion is provided, you can click the syntax name to view details.

System objects

The page displays the types of system objects, occurrences, and compatibility if the source database type is Oracle, PostgreSQL, GoldenDB, or MySQL and the target database type is GaussDB. You can click a system object name to view its database objects.

Click System Objects Report, a compressed package is downloaded to the local PC. You can extract an excel file from the package. There are two sheet System Data Report and System Table And View Details in the file.

  • System Data Report describes the compatibility of all system objects. The following information includes: target database type and version, system object type, name and quantity, supported type, and SQL statements. If a SQL character string is greater than the maximum value of a cell in the excel file, an independent SQL file is generated and stored in the compressed package.
  • System Table And View Details describes the column compatibility of all system views. The system object names, column names, quantities, and supported types are displayed.