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Actualización más reciente 2023-08-14 GMT+08:00

Differences Between VPN and Classic VPN

Tabla 1 Differences between VPN and Classic VPN



Classic VPN

Deployment mode

Each tenant has exclusive use of VPN gateway instances that are isolated from each other. The performance of a VPN gateway instance is not affected by other VPN gateway instances. You can select gateway instances of different specifications based on your service requirements.

VPN gateway instances of multiple tenants are co-deployed on a hardware VPN gateway, but they are not isolated from each other. As a result, the performance of a VPN gateway instance is affected by other VPN gateway instances.


Active-active gateways in different AZs

Active/Standby gateways

Routing mode

Policy-based and route-based modes are supported.

In route-based mode, static routing and BGP routing are supported.

Only the policy-based mode is supported.

Interconnection with a VPC



Interconnection with an ER


Not supported

Multi-SKU of VPN gateways


Not supported

Number of VPN connections

10 to 100, which can be configured on the console.

10 by default. If you require more than 10 connections, submit a service ticket.