Help Center/ FunctionGraph/ User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)/ Service Overview/ Relationships Between FunctionGraph and Other Services
Updated on 2023-07-06 GMT+08:00

Relationships Between FunctionGraph and Other Services

Table 1 describes the cloud services that have been interconnected with FunctionGraph.

Table 1 Interconnected services




FunctionGraph functions are constructed to process SMN notifications.


FunctionGraph functions are created to process OBS bucket events, such as object creation or deletion events. For example, when an image is uploaded to the specified bucket, OBS invokes the function to read the image and create a thumbnail.

Cloud Eye

FunctionGraph is interconnected with Cloud Eye to report monitoring metrics, allowing you to view function metrics and alarm messages through Cloud Eye.


Functions can be configured to access resources in Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) or to access the Internet through source network address translation (SNAT) by binding elastic IP addresses.