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Centro de ayuda/ ModelArts/ Preguntas frecuentes/ Cuestiones generales/ What Do I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the AK/SK Pair Is Unavailable?
Actualización más reciente 2023-10-09 GMT+08:00

What Do I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the AK/SK Pair Is Unavailable?

Issue Analysis

An AK and SK form a key pair required for accessing OBS. Each SK corresponds to a specific AK, and each AK corresponds to a specific user. If the system displays a message indicating that the AK/SK pair is unavailable, it is possible that the account is in arrears or the AK/SK pair is incorrect.


  1. Use the current account to log in to the OBS console and check whether the current account can access OBS.
    • If the account can access OBS, rectify the fault by referring to 2.
    • If the account cannot access OBS, rectify the fault by referring to 3.
  2. If the account can access OBS, click the username in the upper right corner and select My Credentials from the drop-down list. Then, follow the instructions provided in Access Keys to check whether the AK/SK pair is created using the current account.
    • If yes, submit a service ticket.
    • If not, replace the AK/SK with those created using the current account. For details, see Access Keys.
  3. If the account cannot access OBS, check whether it is in arrears.
    • If the account balance is insufficient, top up the account. For details, see Topping up an Account.
    • If the account is not in arrears and the system displays a message indicating that the resource reservation is overdue, submit a service ticket to apply for OBS resources.