Help Center> Host Security Service (Old)> FAQs> Fee> How Do I Apply for Unsubscription and Refund?
Updated on 2024-02-27 GMT+08:00

How Do I Apply for Unsubscription and Refund?

  • If you purchased HSS in the wrong edition or region, you can first unsubscribe from it and then purchase the correct quota.
  • You can unsubscribe from idle quota to save cost.

    Quotas cannot be unsubscribed from in batches.


If the quota you want to unsubscribe from is in use, disable its protection on servers and then unsubscribe from it.


  1. View all quota and locate the quota to be unsubscribed from.
  2. In the Operation column of the quota to be unsubscribed, click Unsubscribe.
  1. Complete the unsubscription operations as prompted on the corresponding page.

    For details, see Unsubscription Rules.

Batch Unsubscription

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click Billing & Costs in the upper right corner of the page to go to the billing center.

    Figure 1 Entry to the billing center

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Orders > Unsubscriptions and Returns/Exchanges.
  4. Complete the unsubscription operations as prompted on the corresponding page.

    For details, see Unsubscription Rules.

Fee FAQs
