Help Center/ Virtual Private Cloud/ User Guide/ Traffic Mirroring/ Traffic Mirroring Example Scenarios/ Mirroring Inbound TCP and UDP Traffic to Multiple Network Interfaces
Updated on 2025-02-27 GMT+08:00

Mirroring Inbound TCP and UDP Traffic to Multiple Network Interfaces

Solution Architecture

To mirror inbound TCP and UDP traffic from a mirror source (network interface) to different mirror targets (network interfaces), you can refer to the configurations in this section. In Figure 1, when ECS-test accesses ECS-source, the inbound TCP traffic on ECS-source needs to be mirrored to ECS-target-01 and the inbound UDP traffic on ECS-source needs to be mirrored to ECS-target-02. Each mirror session can only be associated with one mirror target, so you need to create two mirror sessions.
  • mirror-session-01:
    • Set the mirror source to Network-interface-s on ECS-source. The inbound TCP traffic on this network interface needs to be mirrored.
    • Set the mirror target to Network-interface-t01 on ECS-target-01. The inbound TCP traffic on Network-interface-s is mirrored to Network-interface-t01.
    • Associate mirror-filter-01 that has a rule for accepting inbound TCP traffic with mirror-session-01.
  • mirror-session-02:
    • Set the mirror source to Network-interface-s of ECS-source, indicating that the inbound UDP traffic on this network interface needs to be mirrored.
    • Set the mirror target to Network-interface-t02 of ECS-target-02, indicating that the inbound UDP traffic on network-interface-s is mirrored to Network-interface-t02.
    • Associate mirror-filter-02 that has a rule for accepting inbound UDP traffic with mirror-session-02.
Figure 1 Mirroring inbound TCP and UDP traffic

Notes and Constraints

See Notes and Constraints.

Resource Planning

In this example, the VPCs, subnets, EIP, and ECSs must be in the same region but can be in different AZs.

The following resource details are only for your reference. You can modify them if needed.

Table 1 Resource details for mirroring inbound TCP and UDP traffic




VPC and subnet

VPC: 1

Subnet: 2

  • Name: Set it as needed. In this example, VPC-A is used.
  • VPC IPv4 CIDR Block: Set it as needed. In this example, is used.
  • Subnet Name: Set it as needed. In this example, Subnet-A01 and Subnet-A02 are used.
  • Subnet IPv4 CIDR Block: Set it as needed. In this example, the CIDR block of Subnet-A01 is and that of Subnet-A02 is



Configure the ECSs as follows:
  • ECS Name: Set it as needed. In this example, the ECSs are named ECS-source, ECS-target-01, ECS-target-02, and ECS-test.
  • ECS Type: In this example, the type of ECS-source is General computing-plus c7t. Currently, only network interfaces of ECSs of certain types can be used as mirror sources. For details, see Notes and Constraints. There are no constraints on the type of other ECSs.
  • Image: Set it as needed. In this example, public image Huawei Cloud EulerOS 2.0 Standard 64 bit is used.
  • System Disk: In this example, a general-purpose SSD disk of 40 GiB is used.
  • Data Disk: Set it as needed. In this example, no data disk is used.
  • Network
    • VPC: Select a VPC. In this example, VPC-A is used.
    • Subnet: Select a subnet. In this example, the subnet of ECS-source, ECS-target-01 and ECS-test is Subnet-A01, and that of ECS-target-02 is Subnet-A02.
  • Security Group: In this example, the four ECSs are associated with the same security group (Sg-X). Ensure that all rules in Table 2 are added.
    If the ECSs are associated with different security groups, you also need to add additional rules.
    • If ECS-test is associated with Sg-X and ECS-source is associated with Sg-A, add the rules in Table 3 to Sg-A to allow traffic from ECS-test.
    • If ECS-source is associated with Sg-A and ECS-target-01 is associated with Sg-B, add the rule in Table 4 to Sg-B to allow UDP packets encapsulated by the mirror source to access the mirror target over port 4789. The same applies to ECS-target-02.
  • EIP: Select Not required.
  • Private IP address: In this example, use for ECS-source, for ECS-target-01, for ECS-target-02, and for ECS-test.



  • Billing Mode: Set it as needed. In this example, Pay-per-use is used.
  • EIP Name: Set it as needed. In this example, EIP-A is used.
  • EIP: The EIP is randomly assigned. In this example, 124.X.X.187 is used.

Mirror filter


  • One mirror filter for accepting TCP traffic:
    • Name: Set it as needed. In this example, mirror-filter-01 is used.
    • Inbound rule: Add the inbound rule in Table 5. This rule allows TCP packets from ECS-test to ECS-source over port 1234 to be mirrored.
  • One mirror filter for accepting UDP traffic:
    • Name: Set it as needed. In this example, mirror-filter-02 is used.
    • Inbound rule: Add the inbound rule in Table 5. This rule allows UDP packets from ECS-test to ECS-source over port 1235 to be mirrored.

Mirror session


One mirror session for accepting TCP traffic:

  • Basic Information:
    • Name: Set it as needed. In this example, mirror-session-01 is used.
    • Priority: Set it as needed. In this example, 1 is used.
    • VNI: Set it as needed. In this example, 1 is used.
    • Packet Length: Set it as needed. In this example, 96 is used.
    • Mirror Session: Enable it to mirror the traffic from the mirror source.
  • Associate Mirror Filter: Set it as needed. In this example, mirror-filter-01 is used.
  • Associate Mirror Sources: Set it as needed. In this example, the private IP address ( of the network interface of ECS-source is used.
  • Associate Mirror Target
    • Type: Network interface
    • Network interface: Set it as needed. In this example, the private IP address ( of the network interface of ECS-target-01 is used.

One mirror session for accepting UDP traffic:

  • Basic Information
    • Name: Set it as needed. In this example, mirror-session-02 is used.
    • Priority: Set it as needed. In this example, 2 is used.
    • VNI: Set it as needed. In this example, 2 is used.
    • Packet Length: Set it as needed. In this example, 96 is used.
    • Mirror Session: Enable it to mirror the traffic from the mirror source.
  • Associate Mirror Filter: Set it as needed. In this example, mirror-filter-02 is used.
  • Associate Mirror Sources: Set it as needed. In this example, the private IP address ( of the network interface of ECS-source is used.
  • Associate Mirror Target
    • Type: Network interface
    • Network interface: Set it as needed. In this example, the private IP address ( of the network interface of ECS-target-02 is used.
Table 2 Security group Sg-X rules




Protocol & Port






TCP: 22


Allows remote logins to Linux ECSs over SSH port 22.




TCP: 3389


Allows remote logins to Windows ECSs over RDP port 3389.





Source: current security group (Sg-X)

Allows the ECSs in this security group to communicate with each other using IPv4 addresses.





Source: current security group (Sg-X)

Allows the ECSs in this security group to communicate with each other using IPv6 addresses.






Allows ECSs in this security group to access the external networks using IPv4 addresses.





Destination: ::/0

Allows ECSs in this security group to access the external networks using IPv6 addresses.

If the source of an inbound rule is set to, all external IP addresses are allowed to remotely log in to your cloud server. Exposing port 22 or 3389 to the public network will leave your instances vulnerable to network risks. To address this issue, set the source to a trusted IP address, for example, the IP address of your local PC.

Table 3 Security group Sg-A rules




Protocol & Port






TCP: 1234

Private IP address of the ECS that accesses the mirror source. In this example, the private IP address of ECS-test is used:

Allows TCP packets from ECS-test to ECS-source over port 1234.




UDP: 1235

Private IP address of the ECS that accesses the mirror source. In this example, the private IP address of ECS-test is used:

Allows UDP packets from ECS-test to ECS-source over port 1235.

Table 4 Security group Sg-B rule




Protocol & Port






UDP: 4789

The private IP address of mirror source ECS-source:

Allows UDP packets encapsulated by ECS-source to access ECS-target-01 over port 4789.

Table 5 Inbound rules of the mirror filter








Source Port Range


Destination Port Range







The private IP address of ECS-test:


The private IP address of ECS-source:

Port of ECS-source:








The private IP address of ECS-test:


The private IP address of ECS-source:

In this example, port 1235 of ECS-source is used.



Figure 2 shows the procedure required to mirror inbound TCP and UDP traffic to multiple network interfaces.

Figure 2 Mirroring inbound TCP and UDP traffic

Step 1: Create Cloud Resources

  1. Create a VPC with two subnets.

    For details, see Creating a VPC and Subnet.

  2. Create four ECSs.

    For details, see Purchasing a Custom ECS.

  3. Assign an EIP.

    For details, see Assigning an EIP.

Step 2: Create Mirror Filters and Mirror Sessions

  1. Create two mirror filters.

    For details, see Creating a Mirror Filter.

  2. Create two mirror sessions, and associate the mirror filters, mirror sources, and mirror targets with the mirror sessions.

    For details, see Creating a Mirror Session.

Step 3: Install Netcat (nc) to Simulate Traffic

The nc utility reads and writes data across network connections using TCP or UDP. It is usually used to test ports for accessibility. You need to install nc on both ECS-source and ECS-test.

  1. Install nc on ECS-source.
    1. Bind the EIP to ECS-source to connect to the Internet for downloading the nc utility.

      For details, see Binding an EIP to an ECS.

    2. Remotely log in to ECS-source.

      For details, see How Do I Log In to My ECS?

    3. Run the following commands in sequence to install nc:

      sudo yum update

      Information similar to the following is displayed:
      [root@ecs-source ~]# sudo yum update
      HCE 2.0 base                                                                                                                                                 55 MB/s | 6.1 MB     00:00    
      HCE 2.0 updates                                                                                                                                              98 MB/s |  14 MB     00:00    
      Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:01 ago on Tue 10 Sep 2024 05:54:28 PM CST.
      Dependencies resolved.
      Nothing to do.

      sudo yum install nc

      If information similar to the following is displayed, enter y as prompted and press Enter:
      [root@ecs-source ~]# sudo yum install nc
      Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:12 ago on Tue 10 Sep 2024 05:54:28 PM CST.
      Dependencies resolved.
      Install  2 Packages
      Total download size: 6.1 M
      Installed size: 25 M
      Is this ok [y/N]: y
      Downloading Packages:
      Importing GPG key 0xA8DEF926:
       Userid     : "XXX"
       Fingerprint: C1BA 9CD4 9D03 A206 E241 F176 28DA 5B77 A8DE F926
       From       :
      Is this ok [y/N]: y
        libssh2-1.10.0-2.r10.hce2.x86_64                                                               nmap-2:7.92-2.r4.hce2.x86_64                                                              
    4. Unbind the EIP from ECS-source after nc is installed.

      For details, see Unbinding an EIP.

  2. Repeat 1.a to 1.d on ECS-test.
  3. Release the EIP.

    For details, see Unbinding an EIP. If you do not release the EIP, the EIP will continue to be billed.

Step 4: Check Whether the TCP Mirror Session Works

  1. Establish a TCP connection between ECS-source and ECS-test.

    Send TCP packets from ECS-test to ECS-source and check whether ECS-source can receive the packets.

    1. Run the following command on ECS-source to listen to port 1234:

      nc -l <listening-port-of-mirror-source-ECS-source>

      Example command:

      nc -l 1234

      If the command output is empty, the port is opened for listening.

    2. Run the following command on ECS-test to establish a TCP connection between ECS-source and ECS-test:

      nc <private-IP-address-of-mirror-source-ECS-source> <listening-port-of-mirror-source-ECS-source>

      Example command:

      nc 1234

      The command output is empty. Enter any information (for example, hello) on ECS-test and press Enter to check whether the TCP connection is successfully established.
      [root@ecs-test ~]# nc 1234
    3. Check whether ECS-source can receive information from ECS-test.
      If information similar to the following is displayed, the TCP connection is successfully established.
      [root@ecs-source ~]# nc -l 1234
  2. Check whether the inbound TCP packets on ECS-source can be mirrored to ECS-target-01.
    When ECS-test sends a TCP packet to ECS-source, run tcpdump to check whether ECS-target-01 can receive the packet. If ECS-target-01 receives the packet, the mirror session works.
    1. Remotely log in to ECS-target-01.

      For details, see How Do I Log In to My ECS?

    2. Run the following command on ECS-target-01 to view its network interface name:


      Information similar to the following is displayed. In this example, the network interface of the mirror target is eth0.
      [root@ecs-target-01 ~]# ifconfig
      eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
              inet  netmask  broadcast
              inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe7e:d67a  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
              ether fa:16:3e:7e:d6:7a  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
              RX packets 283560  bytes 116380316 (110.9 MiB)
              RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
              TX packets 276486  bytes 104575280 (99.7 MiB)
              TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
    3. Run the following command on ECS-target-01 to check whether it can receive packets:

      tcpdump -i <network-interface-name-of-the-mirror-target> udp port 4789 -nne

      Example command:

      tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 4789 -nne

      Information similar to the following is displayed:
      [root@ecs-target-01 ~]# tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 4789 -nne 
      dropped privs to tcpdump
      tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v[v]... for full protocol decode
      listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), snapshot length 262144 bytes
    4. Enter any information (for example, tcp) on ECS-test and press Enter to send a TCP packet to ECS-source.
      Information similar to the following is displayed:
      [root@ecs-test ~]# nc 1234
    5. Check whether ECS-source can receive "tcp" from ECS-test.
      If information similar to the following is displayed, ECS-source can receive "tcp" from ECS-test:
      [root@ecs-source ~]# nc -l 1234
    6. Check whether ECS-target-01 can receive the packet.
      Information similar to the following is displayed. You can view the packet containing "tcp" sent by ECS-test after running tcpdump. vni 1 is the identifier of mirror-session-01, indicating that ECS-target-01 can receive the packet through this mirror session. The packet content has two parts: a VXLAN packet encapsulated by traffic mirroring and the original packet. For details, see Table 6.
      [root@ecs-target-01 ~]# tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 4789 -nne 
      dropped privs to tcpdump
      tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v[v]... for full protocol decode
      listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), snapshot length 262144 bytes
      12:04:54.038631 fa:16:3e:d1:6b:5d > fa:16:3e:7e:d6:7a, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 120: > VXLAN, flags [I] (0x08), vni 1
      fa:16:3e:7e:d6:77 > fa:16:3e:7e:d6:bc, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 70: > Flags [P.], seq 1838246001:1838246005, ack 2529760424, win 502, options [nop,nop,TS val 1116821333 ecr 752395830], length 4

Step 5: Check Whether the UDP Mirror Session Works

  1. Establish a UDP connection between ECS-source and ECS-test.

    Send UDP packets from ECS-test to ECS-source and check whether ECS-source can receive the packets.

    1. Run the following command on ECS-source to listen to port 1235:

      nc -ul <listening-port-of-mirror-source-ECS-source>

      Example command:

      nc -ul 1235

      If the command output is empty, the port is opened for listening.

    2. Run the following command on ECS-test to establish a UDP connection between ECS-source and ECS-test:

      nc <private-IP-address-of-mirror-source-ECS-source> <listening-port-of-mirror-source-ECS-source> -u

      Example command:

      nc 1235 -u

      The command output is empty. Enter any information (for example, hello) on ECS-test and press Enter to check whether the UDP connection is successfully established.
      [root@ecs-test ~]# nc 1235 -u
    3. Check whether ECS-source can receive information from ECS-test.
      If information similar to the following is displayed, the UDP connection is successfully established.
      [root@ecs-source ~]# nc -ul 1235
  2. Check whether the inbound UDP packets on ECS-source can be mirrored to ECS-target-02.
    When ECS-test sends a UDP packet to ECS-source, run tcpdump to check whether ECS-target-02 can receive the packet. If ECS-target-02 receives the packet, the mirror session works.
    1. Remotely log in to ECS-target-02.

      For details, see How Do I Log In to My ECS?

    2. Run the following command on ECS-target-02 to view its network interface name:


      Information similar to the following is displayed. In this example, the network interface of the mirror target is eth0.
      [root@ecs-target-02 ~]# ifconfig
      eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
              inet  netmask  broadcast
              inet6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe7e:d77b  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
              ether fa:16:3e:7e:d7:7b  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
              RX packets 81142  bytes 112091279 (106.8 MiB)
              RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
              TX packets 11848  bytes 2318498 (2.2 MiB)
              TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
    3. Run the following command on ECS-target-02 to check whether it can receive packets:

      tcpdump -i <network-interface-name-of-the-mirror-target> udp port 4789 -nne

      Example command:

      tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 4789 -nne

      Information similar to the following is displayed:
      [root@ecs-target-02 ~]# tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 4789 -nne
      dropped privs to tcpdump
      tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v[v]... for full protocol decode
      listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), snapshot length 262144 bytes
    4. Enter any information (for example, udp) on ECS-test and press Enter to send a UDP packet to ECS-source.
      Information similar to the following is displayed:
      [root@ecs-test ~]# nc 1235 -u
    5. Check whether ECS-source can receive information from ECS-test.
      If information similar to the following is displayed, ECS-source can receive information from ECS-test:
      [root@ecs-source ~]# nc -ul 1235
    6. Check whether ECS-target-02 can receive the packet.
      Information similar to the following is displayed. You can view the packet containing udp sent by ECS-test after running tcpdump. vni 2 is the identifier of mirror-session-02, indicating that ECS-target-02 can receive the packet through this mirror session. The packet content has two parts: a VXLAN packet encapsulated by traffic mirroring and an original packet. For details, see Table 6.
      [root@ecs-target-02 ~]# tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 4789 -nne
      dropped privs to tcpdump
      tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v[v]... for full protocol decode
      listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), snapshot length 262144 bytes
      12:09:36.275574 fa:16:3e:18:32:b8 > fa:16:3e:7e:d7:7b, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 96: > VXLAN, flags [I] (0x08), vni 2
      fa:16:3e:7e:d6:77 > fa:16:3e:7e:d6:bc, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 46: > UDP, length 4