Help Center> ServiceStage> User Guide> Microservice Engine> Creating a Microservice Engine
Updated on 2024-05-28 GMT+08:00

Creating a Microservice Engine

This section describes how to create a microservice engine.


A microservice engine runs on a VPC. Before creating a microservice engine, ensure that a VPC and subnet are available.

You have created a VPC. For details, see Creating a VPC.

If the engine is created using an account with the minimum permission for creating engines, for example, cse:engine:create in the fine-grained permission dependencies of microservice engines, the default VPC security group cse-engine-default-sg needs to be preset by the primary account and the rules listed in Table 1 need to be added.

For details, see Adding a Security Group Rule.
Table 1 cse-engine-default-sg rules




Protocol and Port


Source Address




ICMP: all





TCP: 30100–30130










TCP: 30100–30130




ICMP: all













  1. Go to the Buy Exclusive Microservice Engine page.

    • By default, a maximum of five exclusive microservice engines can be created for each project. To create more exclusive microservice engines, submit a service ticket to increase the quota. For details, see Creating a Service Ticket.
    • For details about projects, see Projects.

  2. Set parameters according to the following table. Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.



    *Billing Mode

    Billing mode. Currently, Pay-per-use is supported.

    *Enterprise Project

    Select the project where the microservice engine is located. You can search for and select the required enterprise project from the drop-down list.

    Enterprise projects let you manage cloud resources and users by project.

    An enterprise project can be used after it is created and enabled. For details, see Enabling the Enterprise Project Function. By default, default is selected.

    • The enterprise project cannot be changed once the microservice engine is created.
    • When a microservice engine is in use, do not disable the enterprise project. Otherwise, the engine will not be displayed in the engine list, affecting normal use.


    Select the microservice instance quota.


    The specification cannot be changed once the microservice engine is created.

    *Engine Type

    Microservice engine type.

    If the engine type is cluster, the engine is deployed in cluster mode and supports host-level DR.


    Name of a microservice engine. The name contains 3 to 24 characters, including letters, digits, and hyphens (-), and starts with a letter but cannot end with a hyphen. This name cannot be changed after the engine is created.


    Microservice engine name cannot be default.


    Availability zone.

    Select one or three AZs for the engine based on the number of AZs in the environment.
    • Select one AZ to provide host-level DR.
    • Select three AZs to provide AZ-level DR.
    • The AZ of a created microservice engine cannot be changed.
    • The AZs in one region can communicate with each other over an intranet.
    • Multiple AZs enhance DR capabilities.


    Select a VPC and subnet to provision logically isolated, configurable, and manageable virtual networks for your engine.

    • To use a created VPC, search for and select a VPC created under the current account from the drop-down list.
    • To use a new VPC, click Create VPC in the drop-down list. For details, see Creating a VPC.
    • To use a shared VPC, select a VPC that another account shares with the current account from the drop-down list.

      VPC owners can share the subnets in a VPC with one or multiple accounts through Resource Access Manager (RAM). Through VPC sharing, you can easily configure and manage multiple accounts' resources at low costs. For more information about VPC and subnet sharing, see VPC Sharing.


    The VPC cannot be changed once the engine is created.


    Click and enter the engine description.

    Authentication Mode

    The exclusive microservice engine with security authentication enabled provides the system management function using the role-based access control (RBAC) through the microservice engine console.

    • Select Enable security authentication:
      1. Determine whether to enable Authenticate Programming Interface.

        After it is enabled, you need to add the corresponding account and password to the microservice configuration file. Otherwise, the service cannot be registered with the engine.

        After it is disabled, you can register the service with the engine without configuring the account and password in the microservice configuration file, which improves the efficiency. You are advised to disable this function when accessing the service in a VPC.

      2. Enter and confirm the password of user root.

        Keep the password secure.

    • Select Disable security authentication:

      Disable security authentication. You can enable it after the instance is created.

  3. Click Buy. The page for confirming the engine information is displayed.
  4. Click Submit and wait until the engine is created.

    • It takes about 31 minutes to create a microservice engine.
    • After the microservice engine is created, its status is Available. For details about how to view the microservice engine status, see Viewing Microservice Engine Information.
    • If the microservice engine fails to be created, view the failure cause on the Operation page and rectify the fault. Then, you can perform the following operations:
      • In the Microservice Engine Information area, click Retry to create an engine again.
      • If the retry fails, delete the microservice engine that fails to be created. For details, see Deleting an Exclusive Microservice Engine.