Updated on 2025-01-24 GMT+08:00


Table charts are one of the most common data display types and the most basic method for organizing and sorting data. By sorting data, you can quickly reference and analyze the data. By default, the data obtained through the query and analysis syntax is displayed in a table chart.

Checking Tables

  1. Log in to the LTS console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Log Management.
  3. On the Log Management page, select the target log group and log stream. The log stream details page is displayed.
  4. Choose Log Analysis.
  5. Enter a query and analysis statement by referring to SQL Analysis Syntax, set the time range, and click Search.
  6. By default, the query results are displayed in a table below the log. Set parameters in the General Settings right pane by referring to Table 1.

    Figure 1 Table chart
    Table 1 Table parameters






    Displays the table chart data in the specified format.


    Specifies the unit of the data in the customized table chart.

    Decimal Places

    Sets the number of decimal places to be displayed.

    Title Font Size

    Sets the font size of the chart title.


    Hidden Fields

    Select a target field to hide it in the table chart.


    Records per Page

    Number of data records displayed on each page.

    Display Total

    Displays the total number of entries in the table.



    Alignment mode of table data. The options are left alignment, right alignment, and center alignment.


    After this function is enabled, you can search for data in the table column.


    After this function is enabled, you can sort data in the table.

    Font Size

    Size of the table font. The value ranges from 12 px to 24 px.