Help Center/ Cloud Bastion Host/ User Guide/ Managing Instances/ Resetting the Password of User admin
Updated on 2025-02-17 GMT+08:00

Resetting the Password of User admin

This topic describes how to reset the password of user admin for a CBH system.

To reset passwords of other system users, see How Can I Reset Passwords of CBH System Users?


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region or project. In the upper left corner of the page, click and select a region. Choose Security & Compliance > Cloud Bastion Host to go to the CBH instance management page.

    Figure 1 Instances
    Table 1 Instance parameters



    Instance Name

    Instance name you specify. It cannot be modified after the instance is created.


    Status of the instance, including the status of the standby node.

    Instance Type

    Instance type you select.

    Login Address

    Private IP address of an instance.


    EIP of the instance.

    Billing Mode

    Billing mode of the current instance.

    Enterprise Project

    Enterprise project that the instance belongs to.

  3. Locate the row containing the instance you want to restart. In the Operation column, choose More > Reset > Reset Admin Password.
  4. In the dialog box displayed, reset the password of the admin account.

    Figure 2 Resetting a password

  5. Click OK.