Updated on 2024-08-16 GMT+08:00

Applying to Join the Cloud Solution Provider Program

After becoming an HCPN partner, Huawei Cloud enterprise customers can apply to join the Cloud Solution Provider Program in the Partner Center.

Once a partner has joined Cloud Solution Provider Program and become a cloud solution provider of Huawei Cloud, this partner cannot use their account to purchase cloud services.

Important Notes

Enterprise customers cannot apply to join the Cloud Solution Provider Program if their Huawei Cloud accounts are in one of the following situations:

  • There is already an account in the same business area specified that has joined Cloud Solution Provider Program.
  • The account has already joined a development path.
  • The account has joined Distribution Partner Program.
  • Resources are provisioned for the account.
  • The account is in arrears.
  • The account has consumption records.
  • The account has been associated with another partner.
  • The account is an enterprise master account or member account.
  • The account is being used for or has passed real-name authentication.
  • The account has been preregistered by a Huawei BD.

The account cannot purchase or provision cloud services or resources during the application for joining Cloud Solution Provider Program or after the application is approved.

If the account has already enabled pay-per-use resources, go to the console and release the resources or register a new account before submitting your application to become a cloud solution provider.


  1. Use your partner account to log in to Huawei Cloud.
  2. Click Partner Center in the drop-down list of your account name in the upper right corner.
  3. Choose Partner Programs > Huawei Cloud Partner Programs in the menu on the top.
  4. Apply to join a partner program.

  5. Specify required company information, read and agree the agreement below, and click Next.

    • By default, the business area is the registered country or region of an account. You can modify the business area when you fill in information required for joining the program.
    • After joining the program, you are not allowed to modify the business area. You can view the business area of your account on the Partner Programs > Huawei Cloud Partner Programs > Partner Programs Enrolled page.
    • You can have only one account for each business area.

  6. Enter business qualification information and click Next.

  7. Fill out the program application and click Next.

  8. Complete the HUAWEI CLOUD Partner Anti-Commercial Bribery Due Diligence Questionnaire and click Submit.

  9. A message is displayed, indicating that your application for joining the Cloud Solution Provider Program, has been submitted successfully.

    You can view the review progress on the Requested Partner Programs page.