Updated on 2023-05-05 GMT+08:00

From Yearly/Monthly to Pay-per-Use

You can change the billing mode of a resource from yearly/monthly to pay-per-use. The pay-per-use billing mode will take effect after the original yearly/monthly subscription has expired.

For example:

At 2018/09/21 09:25:34, a customer purchases a monthly subscribed ECS. At 2018/10/15 10:30:34, the customer changes the ECS's billing mode to pay-per-use and a change-to-pay-per-use order is generated. After 2018/10/21 23:59:59, the new billing mode takes effect and the ECS is charged by usage.


  • Only those resources in the Provisioned status can be changed to pay-per-use.
  • Yearly/monthly subscriptions can be changed to pay-per-use before their expiration date. The change will not take effect until the subscription has expired.
  • The billing mode of solution portfolio products cannot be changed from yearly/monthly to pay-per-use.


  1. Go to the Renewals page.
  2. Choose More > Change to Pay-per-Use in the Operation column for the desired resource.

  3. Confirm the subscription change details and click Change to Pay-per-Use.