Updated on 2024-04-15 GMT+08:00

Metric Browsing

The Metric Browsing page displays metric data of each resource. You can monitor metric values and trends in real time, and create alarm rules for real-time service data monitoring and analysis.

Monitoring Metrics

  1. On the menu bar, choose Monitoring Center.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Metric Browsing.
  3. Select a target Prometheus instance from the drop-down list.
  4. Choose Metric Sources > Metric List.
  5. Click Metric type, All metrics, or Resource type and then select one or more metrics from the resource tree. You can also add metrics by running a Prometheus statement. For details, see Prometheus Statements.

    • When All metrics is selected, enter keywords to search for metrics.
    • Scope: Metric monitoring scope. The scope is in the key-value pair format. Directly select an option from the drop-down list or use AND, OR, and NOT to specify scopes for metrics.
    • Group Condition: Aggregate metric data by the specified field and calculate the aggregation result. Options: Not grouped, avg by, max by, min by, and sum by. For example, avg by clusterName indicates that metrics are grouped by cluster name, and the average value of the grouped metrics is calculated and displayed in the graph.

  6. Click Add Metric to add up to 12 metrics.

    If more than 1000 resource metrics are queried, you are advised to use the following methods to monitor metric data so that accurate and comprehensive metric data can be displayed:

    1. Adjust the metric query mode to query metric data of a specified resource.
    2. Select a top N graph.

  7. Set metric parameters by referring to Table 1, view the metric graph in the upper part of the page, and analyze metric data from multiple perspectives.

    Table 1 Metric parameter description




    Method used to measure metrics. Options: Avg, Min, Max, Sum, and Samples.


    Samples indicates the number of data points.

    Statistical Period

    Interval at which metric data is collected.

    The available statistical period options vary according to the time range you select. For details, see What Is the Relationship Between the Time Range and Statistical Period?.

    Time Range

    Time range in which metric data is collected. Options: Last 30 minutes, Last hour, Last 6 hours, Last day, Last week, and Custom.

    Refresh Frequency

    Interval at which the metric data is refreshed. Options: Refresh manually, 30 seconds auto refresh, 1 minute auto refresh, and 5 minutes auto refresh.

    Graph Type

    Options: line, digit, top N, table, digital line, and bar graphs

  1. (Optional) Choose Metric Sources > Graph Settings to modify the display settings (such as X/Y axis titles and values) of the metric graph. For details, see Metric Data Graphs (Line/Digit/Top N/Table/Bar/Digital Line Graphs).

More Operations

You can also perform the operations listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Related operations



Hiding metric data

After selecting a metric, click next to the metric to hide the metric data in the current graph. To show the metric data again, click next to the metric. or indicate the status of metric data.

Adding an alarm rule for a metric

After selecting a metric, click in the upper right corner of the metric list to create an alarm rule for the metric.

Deleting a metric

Click next to the target metric.

Adding a metric graph to a dashboard

After selecting a metric, click in the upper right corner of the metric list.

Viewing early metrics

If there was metric data generated within 30 days before the version upgrade, click View Early Metric in the upper right corner of the Metric Browsing page to view and analyze the historical data and graphs.