Updated on 2024-07-30 GMT+08:00

Obtaining the Cloud Meeting Room List


This API is used to obtain the cloud meeting room list. Call this API only after login.

Function Prototype

getVmrList(onGetVmrListResult?: (ret: SDKERR, reason: string, vmrListInfo: VmrListInfo) => void): voidgetVmrList(onGetVmrListResult?: (ret: SDKERR, reason: string, vmrListInfo: VmrListInfo) => void): void

Request Parameters

Table 1 Input parameter description
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
onGetVmrListResult Yes (ret: SDKERR, reason: string, vmrListInfo: VmrListInfo) => void Cloud meeting room list notification, which is returned upon the request for obtaining the cloud meeting room list.

Return Values


Callback Method Parameters

(ret: SDKERR, reason: string, vmrListInfo: VmrListInfo) => void

Table 2 Input parameter description
Parameter Type Description
ret For details about SDKERR, see Error Code Reference. Error code.
reason string Error description.
vmrListInfo VmrListInfo Cloud meeting room list.
Table 3 VmrListInfo
Parameter Type Description
numOfVmrs number Number of cloud meeting rooms.
vmrs VmrInfo Cloud meeting room information.
isEnableShareVmr boolean Whether shared cloud meeting rooms are available.
Table 4 VmrInfo
Parameter Type Description
vmrConfId string Fixed meeting ID of the cloud meeting room.
vmrId string Unique cloud meeting room ID.
hostPwd string Host password of the cloud meeting room.
guestPwd string Guest password of the cloud meeting room.
vmrType VmrIdType Cloud meeting room type.
maxParties number Maximum number of participants in the cloud meeting room.
isEnable boolean Whether the cloud meeting room is available.
name string Cloud meeting room name.
allowGuestStartConf boolean Whether to allow guests to start the meeting.
confAllowJoinUser ConfAllowJoinUserType Users who are allowed to join the meeting. By default, everyone is allowed.
isOpenWaitingRoom boolean Waiting room status. This parameter takes effect only when the waiting room function is enabled.
Table 5 Enumerated values of VmrIdType
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description
RANDOM_MEETING_ID 0 Random meeting ID.
PERSONAL_MEETING_ID 1 Personal meeting ID.
CLOUD_MEETING_ROOM_ID 2 Cloud meeting room ID.
Table 6 Enumerated values of ConfAllowJoinUserType
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description
CONF_ALLOW_JOIN_IN_COMPANY_USER 2 Corporate users only.
CONF_ALLOW_JOIN_INVITED_USER 3 Invited users only.