Help Center/ Haydn Cloud Solution Factory/ Getting Started/ Building a Solution on HaydnCSF
Updated on 2023-06-15 GMT+08:00

Building a Solution on HaydnCSF


This section describes how architects can quickly register and design solutions on HaydnCSF. Figure 1 shows the fast solution process. The fast solution process is recommended for referencing architectures and designing solutions.

Figure 1 Fast solution process


You are a HaydnCSF user and have been assigned the architect role. For details about how to become a Haydn user, see Accessing HaydnCSF. For details about user roles, see HaydnCSF User Access Permissions.

Registering a Solution

  1. Log in to HaydnCSF. In the upper right corner, select Solution design for Current workbench.
    Figure 2 Scenario selection
  2. Click New Solution. On the displayed page, select Create workspace, specify the workspace name. Click Confirm.
    Figure 3 Creating a solution
  3. Specify information required. For details, see Table 1.
Table 1 Solution registration parameters



Solution Type

Select a solution type.

  • Reference architectures: include PPT solutions, 0-1 incubation, and product portfolios that cannot be replicated. Replicability or deliverability is not promised. Problem handling suggestions are provided based on reference architectures. Only product technical support is provided. Delivery verification is required in customer projects (Huawei and partners are responsible for delivery separately).
  • Huawei Lead: As the solution owner, Huawei takes the lead in industry scenario and partner selection, initiates a solution, designs and verifies the solution jointly with partners, outputs solution offerings, and specifies the GTM path, customer development strategy, contract signing path, delivery strategy, and O&M strategy. Huawei is responsible for solution competitiveness and business success.
  • Partner Lead: A partner who meets the partner-led solution review requirements is the solution owner. The partner takes the lead in solution initiation, designs and verifies the solution jointly with Huawei, outputs solution offerings, and specifies the GTM path, customer development strategy, contract signing path, delivery strategy, and O&M strategy. Huawei PDM and PSA assist partners in ensuring the competitiveness and business success of the solution.
  • Joint operations products: products that are jointly operated by Huawei Cloud and partners. There are preset reliability requirements and reliability checks for joint products.
  • Developer application building: a joint solution building program for technical partners. It strengthens technical enablement and support for partners during solution and service construction and migration, provides technical capability certification, and provides marketing and business support for certified solutions and services.
  • Advanced cloud software: The advanced cloud software certification used to verify that partners' products and software have been reconstructed and optimized using Huawei Cloud technologies and can create value for customers.
  • POC: the design and verification before project implementation.
  • Development & Migration incentives: competitive software products and solutions in the industry. This product or solution is critical to enhancing Huawei Cloud capabilities or entering the corresponding industry and acquiring customers. After strict process evaluation, the PDM applies for this product or solution for partners.
  • Custom verification: The entire process pipeline of solution building and solution verification supports customized skipping of certain phases.
  • Other: solutions beyond the above categories.

Select Process

Select Fast Solution Process and specify yourself as the solution design owner.

  • The Common Solution Process consists of three phases: solution registration, solution design, and solution review.
  • The Fast Solution Process includes solution registration and solution design.

Associate CSBI

Optional. You can associate the solution with CSBI if the solution has been initiated on Huawei Cloud.

It is recommended that Huawei/Partner-led baseline solutions be associated. If the project initiation is not complete, the association can be done through a solution change after the initiation is completed.

Solution Name

Specify the solution name.

Applicable Industries

Select an industry based on your actual situation. You can select multiple industries and sub-industries.

Deployment Environment

Set this parameter based on the base type used in the solution. Multiple base types can be selected.

Solution Version

(Optional) Specify the solution version.

Display Cover

(Optional) The cover resolution cannot exceed 1280 x 960, and the image size cannot exceed 10 MB.

Solution Description

Describe the solution from the following aspects: business pain points, application scenarios, and solution advantages and benefits.

Solution Attachment

(Optional) Upload solution attachments.

Figure 4 Creating a solution
  1. Click Submit.

    The process enters the solution design phase. The system generates a solution design to-do task for the solution design owner. If the owner has subscribed the email notification on HaydnCSF, the owner will receive an email notification.

    Figure 5 Solution design to-dos
    • The solution can be edited in the solution registration and solution design phases. If you want to edit the solution after it is completed, you need to change the solution. See Figure 6.
    Figure 6 Change Solution

Designing Solution Architectures

  1. Click the To-Dos tab. On the page displayed, locate the row that contains this Solution design and click Handle in the Operation column. See Figure 7.
    Figure 7 To-Dos - solution design
  2. Create an integration architecture.

    In the left area of the page, click the plus sign (+) on the right of the solution name.

    Table 2 Parameters of creating an integration architecture



    Architecture Name

    Specify an architecture name.

    Architecture Template

    • No template

      The canvas is empty. You need to drag and pull diagram elements from the diagram element library on the left to design the architecture.

    • Architecture template from solution acceleration field

      You can search for acceleration field architecture templates by template ID, solution name, applicable industry, and scenario and reference them for secondary editing.

    • Existing architecture

      You can locate the integration architecture of workspaces you created or joined based on the workspace name, solution name, or integration architecture name. You can then copy the integration architecture to the current workspace for secondary editing.

    Architecture Description

    This parameter describes the service flow and data flow of the entire architecture.

    Take Solution Acceleration Architecture Template as an example. To reference an architecture template from the Solution Acceleration Field, enter a keyword to search for the architecture template. Click Details to view the template details. Select an architecture template from the search results and click OK. See Figure 8. To reference a template on a new canvas, click the Recommended Architecture button in the lower right corner of the canvas to search for and reference the template.

    Figure 8 Creating an integration architecture
  3. Design the integration architecture.

    Design the architecture diagram using the diagram element panel on the left and the toolbar panel on the top. Click the save button in the upper right corner. By default, automatic saving is enabled, and your edits are saved every 5 minutes.

  4. Create a manual deployment architecture.
    1. Switch to the Cloud Service Specification Configuration tab page and then click the plus sign.
      The deployment environment is related to the base to which the solution applies. A solution can have deployment architectures of different bases.
      Figure 9 Creating a deployment architecture (graphic mode)
    2. Configure the cloud service specifications.

      In graphic mode, click Cloud Service Specification Configuration and double-click the diagram element to be configured.

      Figure 10 Cloud service specifications configuration
    3. Preview the configuration list.
      Figure 11 Cloud service configuration list
  5. Submit the architecture for review.

    Click Submit for Review. In the dialog box that is displayed, specify the solution review owner and enter the remarks (optional), and click Submit. You can select more than one review owners.

    For fast solution process, the system reviews the solution architecture by default. You do not need to select a review owner.

    Figure 12 Solution design - submit for review
  6. Review the solution. (Skip this step in a fast solution process.)

    In a fast solution process, the system reviews the solution architecture by default. You can skip this step.

    Figure 13 Solution design completed