Updated on 2024-07-16 GMT+08:00

Using ODBC to Connect to a Database

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a Microsoft API for accessing databases based on the X/OPEN CLI. ODBC APIs alleviate applications from directly operating in databases, and enhance the database portability, extensibility, and maintainability.

Figure 1 shows the system structure of ODBC.

Figure 1 ODBC system structure

GaussDB supports ODBC 3.5 in the following environments.

Table 1 OSs Supported by ODBC



EulerOS V2.0SP5


EulerOS V2.0SP9


EulerOS V2.0SP10


EulerOS V2.0SP10


Windows 7


Windows 7


Windows Server 2008


Windows Server 2008


Kylin V10


Kylin V10


UnionTech V20


UnionTech V20


Huawei Cloud EulerOS 2.0


Huawei Cloud EulerOS 2.0


The ODBC Driver Manager running on Unix or Linux can be unixODBC or iODBC. unixODBC-2.3.7 is used as the component for connecting to the database.

Windows has a native ODBC Driver Manager. You can locate Data Sources (ODBC) by choosing Control Panel > Administrative Tools.

The current database ODBC driver is based on an open-source version and may be incompatible with Huawei-developed data types such as tinyint, smalldatetime, and nvarchar2.

ODBC Constraints

  • ODBC does not support DR switchover.
  • When the proc_outparam_override parameter is enabled for the database, ODBC cannot properly call the stored procedure that contains the out parameter.


You have downloaded the ODBC driver packages for Linux and Windows.
  • The package name for Linux is GaussDB-Kernel_Database version number_OS version number_64bit_Odbc.tar.gz. In the Linux OS, header files (including sql.h and sqlext.h) and the library (libodbc.so) are required in application development. These header files and library can be obtained from the unixODBC-2.3.7 installation package.
  • The package name for Windows is GaussDB-Kernel_Database version number_Windows_Odbc_X64.tar.gz (64-bit). In the Windows OS, the required header files and library files are system-resident.

Procedure in a Linux Server

  1. Obtain the source code package of unixODBC by clicking the following link:

    Download address: https://www.unixodbc.org/unixODBC-2.3.7.tar.gz.

    After the download, verify the integrity based on the integrity verification algorithm provided by the community. Download https://www.unixodbc.org/unixODBC-2.3.7.tar.gz.md5, view the MD5 value, and check whether the MD5 value is the same as that in the source code package.

  2. Install unixODBC. It does not matter if unixODBC of another version has been installed.

    For example, install unixODBC-2.3.7.
    tar zxvf unixODBC-2.3.7.tar.gz
    cd unixODBC-2.3.7
    ./configure --enable-gui=no # To perform compilation on an Arm server, add the configure parameter --build=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.
    # The installation may require root permissions.
    make install
    • Currently, unixODBC-2.2.1 is not supported.
    • It is installed in the /usr/local directory by default. The data source file is generated in the /usr/local/etc directory, and the library file is generated in the /usr/local/lib directory.
    • You can compile unixODBC with the --enable-fastvalidate=yes option to achieve higher performance. However, this option may cause an application that passes an invalid handle to the ODBC API to fail instead of returning an SQL_INVALID_HANDLE error.

  3. Replace the GaussDB client driver.

    Decompress GaussDB-Kernel_Database version number_OS version number_64bit_Odbc.tar.gz. After the decompression, the lib and odbc folders are generated. The odbc folder contains another lib folder. Copy all dynamic libraries in the /lib and /odbc/lib folders to the /usr/local/lib directory.

  4. Configure the data source.

    1. Configure the ODBC driver file.

      Add the following content to the /usr/local/etc/odbcinst.ini file:


      For descriptions of the parameters in the odbcinst.ini file, see Table 2.

      Table 2 odbcinst.ini configuration parameters





      Driver name, corresponding to Driver in DSN.



      Path of the dynamic driver library.



      Driver installation path, which is the same as the dynamic library path in Driver64.


    2. Configure the data source file.

      Add the following content to the /usr/local/etc/odbc.ini file:

      Servername= # Database server IP address
      Database=db1 # Database name
      Username=omm  # Database username
      Password=  # Database user password
      Port=8000 # Database listening port

      Table 3 describes the parameters in the odbc.ini file.

      Table 3 odbc.ini configuration parameters



      Example Value


      Data source name.



      Driver name, corresponding to DriverName in odbcinst.ini.



      Server IP address. Multiple IP addresses can be configured. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.



      Name of the database to connect.



      Database username.



      Database user password.


      After a user establishes a connection, the ODBC driver automatically clears their password stored in memory.

      However, if this parameter is configured, unixODBC will cache data source files, which may cause the password to be stored in the memory for a long time.

      When you connect to an application, you are advised to send your password through an API instead of writing it in a data source configuration file. After the connection has been established, immediately clear the memory segment where your password is stored.


      The password in the configuration file must comply with the following HTTP rules:

      1. Characters must comply with the URL encoding specifications. For example, the exclamation mark (!) must be written as %21, and the percent sign (%) must be written as %25. Therefore, pay attention to the characters.
      2. A plus sign (+) will be replaced by a space.



      Port number of the server. When load balancing is enabled, multiple port numbers can be configured and must correspond to multiple IP addresses. If multiple IP addresses are configured and only one port number is configured when load balancing is enabled, all IP addresses share the same port number by default, that is, the configured port number.



      Specifies whether to enable SSL.


      For values of the Sslmode parameter, see Table 4.

      Table 4 sslmode options


      Whether SSL Encryption Is Enabled




      SSL connection is not enabled.



      If the database server requires SSL connection, SSL connection can be enabled. However, authenticity of the database server will not be verified.



      If the database supports SSL connection, SSL connection is preferred. However, authenticity of the database server will not be verified.



      SSL connection is required and data is encrypted. However, authenticity of the database server will not be verified.



      SSL connection is required and whether the database has a trusted certificate will be verified.



      SSL connection is required. In addition to the check scope specified by verify-ca, the system checks whether the name of the host where the database resides is the same as that in the certificate. If they are different, modify the /etc/hosts file as user root and add the IP address and host name of the connected database node to the file.


      This mode does not support the default certificate of the product. Contact the administrator to generate a certificate.

  5. Enable the SSL mode. For details, contact the database administrator.
  6. Configure the database server. For details, contact the database administrator.
  7. Configure the environment variables on the client.

    vim ~/.bashrc

    Add the following information to the configuration file:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export ODBCSYSINI=/usr/local/etc
    export ODBCINI=/usr/local/etc/odbc.ini

  8. Run the following command to validate the addition:

    source ~/.bashrc

  9. Connect to the database.

    isql -v GaussODBC

    GaussODBC: data source name.
    • If the following information is displayed, the configuration is correct and the connection succeeds:
      | Connected!                            |
      |                                       |
      | sql-statement                         |
      | help [tablename]                      |
      | quit                                  |
      |                                       |
    • If error information is displayed, the configuration is incorrect. Check the configuration.
    • In a cluster environment, you need to copy and configure the unixODBC file on all nodes.

Procedure in a Windows Server

Configure an ODBC data source using the ODBC data source manager preinstalled in the Windows OS.

  1. Replace the GaussDB client driver.

    Decompress the GaussDB-Kernel_Database version number_Windows_X64_Odbc.tar.gz (64-bit) driver package or GaussDB-Kernel_Database version number_Windows_X86_Odbc.tar.gz (32-bit) driver package, and click gsqlodbc.exe to install the driver.

  2. Open the driver manager.

    When configuring the data source, use the ODBC driver manager corresponding to the ODBC version. If the 64-bit ODBC driver is used, the 64-bit ODBC driver manager must be used. Assume that the OS is installed on drive C (if the OS is installed on another drive, change the path accordingly):

    • If you want to use 32-bit ODBC driver manager in a 64-bit OS, open C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. Do not choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).

      WoW64 is short for Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit. C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ stores the 32-bit environment on a 64-bit system. C:\Windows\System32\ stores the environment consistent with the current OS. For technical details, see Windows technical documents.

    • For a 32-bit OS, open C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe or choose Computer > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) to open Driver Manager.
    • For a 64-bit OS, choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) to enable driver management.

  3. Configure the data source.

    On the User DSN tab, click Add and choose GaussDB Unicode for setup.

    For details about the parameters, see Procedure in a Linux Server.

    You can click Datasource to configure whether to print logs.

    The entered username and password will be recorded in the Windows registry and you do not need to enter them again when connecting to the database next time. For security purposes, you are advised to delete sensitive information before clicking Save and enter the required username and password again when using ODBC APIs to connect to the database.

  4. Configure SSL mode.

    Change the value of SSL Mode in 3 to require.

    Table 5 sslmode options


    Whether SSL Encryption Is Enabled




    SSL connection is not enabled.



    If the database server requires SSL connection, SSL connection can be enabled. However, authenticity of the database server will not be verified.



    If the database supports SSL connection, SSL connection is preferred. However, authenticity of the database server will not be verified.



    SSL connection is required and data is encrypted. However, authenticity of the database server will not be verified.



    SSL connection is required and whether the database has a trusted certificate will be verified. Currently, Windows ODBC does not support the certificate-based authentication.



    SSL connection is required. In addition to the check scope specified by verify-ca, the system checks whether the name of the host where the database resides is the same as that on the certificate. Currently, Windows ODBC does not support the certificate-based authentication.

  5. Configure a GaussDB server. For details, contact the administrator.
  6. Restart the cluster.

    gs_om -t stop
    gs_om -t start

  7. Click Test to test the connection.

    • If the following information is displayed, the configuration is correct and the connection succeeds.

    • If error information is displayed, the configuration is incorrect. Check the configuration.