Help Center> Cloud Operations Center> Getting Started> Modeling Associations Between Applications and Resources
Updated on 2024-04-12 GMT+08:00

Modeling Associations Between Applications and Resources

This section describes how to use COC to quickly manage your resources and applications on the application and resource management page, including synchronizing resources, creating applications and modeling, and performing operations on a UniAgent. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Synchronize resources. Obtain resource data in all regions to which the current user belongs and synchronizes the data to COC.
  2. Create an application and model the associations between the application and resources. This feature facilitates resource management by service logic unit.
  3. Perform operations on a UniAgent. Install, upgrade, and uninstall a UniAgent on the corresponding node.

Synchronizing Resources

  1. Log in to COC.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Resources > Application and Resource Management. On the displayed Resources tab page, click to synchronize resources.

    Figure 1 Synchronizing resources

Creating an Application and Creating a Model

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Resources > Application and Resource Management. On the displayed Applications tab page, click Create Application to synchronize resources.

    Figure 2 Creating an application

  2. On the Create Application page, specify required information and click Submit.

    Figure 3 Configuring required information and creating an application

Performing Operations on a UniAgent

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Resources >Application and Resource Management. On the Resources tab page, select ECSs for which you want to install a UniAgent and click UniAgent and choose Install.

    Figure 4 Installing a UniAgent

  2. On the displayed Install UniAgent page, specify required information and click Submit to trigger the automated installation process. Wait until the installation is complete.

    Figure 5 Setting parameters

    When installing a UniAgent for ECSs in the same VPC, you need to manually install a UniAgent for the first ECS and set the this ECS as the installation node. For details, see Installing UniAgent for the First Time.