Help Center/ Meeting/ Service Overview/ Security/ Identity Authentication and Access Control
Updated on 2023-01-13 GMT+08:00

Identity Authentication and Access Control

Identity Authentication

You can access Huawei Cloud Meeting through the Management Platform, apps, SDKs, APIs, or hard terminals. All these access modes are implemented by sending requests via the REST APIs provided by Huawei Cloud Meeting.

Huawei Cloud Meeting provides password authentication for registered users or registered enterprise users. It also supports meeting credential authentication for uses who anonymously join meetings. The latter applies to meetings that external users can join. For example, you share the meeting link to an external user who has not registered with Huawei Cloud Meeting. When the user clicks the meeting link, the server performs meeting credential authentication. Meetings or message requests are available only to authenticated registered users or registered enterprise users. Huawei Cloud Meeting supports the following authentication methods:

  • Users whose accounts are registered by their enterprises use their accounts and passwords for authentication.
  • Users who register with Huawei Cloud Meeting via enterprise SSO use a code for login-free authentication.
  • During development API or SDK integration, users register with Huawei Cloud Meeting by requesting an app ID signature. They use the app ID/secret and carry specific information to calculate a signature for authentication.

Access Control

Huawei Cloud Meeting controls API access to prevent horizontal and vertical privilege escalation.

  1. Management and access using different types of accounts, including:
    • Enterprise account (user, organization, and business management in an enterprise)
    • Individual account (personal info and meeting management)
  2. Different enterprise administrator accounts for administrators to manage the data of their own enterprises. The meeting data of enterprise users is logically isolated. An enterprise administrator can manage only the meeting data of their own enterprise users. They cannot access the meeting data of other enterprise users through API calling.
  3. Different roles for enterprise members, including default enterprise administrators, standard administrators, and common users. They have different permissions to call APIs.