Updated on 2023-07-07 GMT+08:00


Stream Pushing

A process of transmitting collected, encoded, and packaged live content to the Live center

Stream Pulling

A process of pulling live content from the Live center to a specific address for play

Edge Streaming

A video stream is pushed to a nearby edge node. Then, the scheduling system of HUAWEI CLOUD transmits the live stream to the origin server for processing and distribution. This ensures users access the optimal uplink network and reduces lag during uplink transmission.

Streaming Domain Name

Domain name for playing live streams. You must register a streaming domain name before using Live. After a streaming domain name is configured, the system generates a streaming URL. For details, see Assembling a Streaming URL.

Ingest Domain Name

Domain name for pushing live streams. You must register an ingest domain name before using Live. After an ingest domain name is configured, the system generates an ingest URL. For details, see Assembling an Ingest URL.

CNAME Record

After ingest and streaming domain names are configured, the system assigns a respective CNAME record to the ingest and streaming domain names. You must add the records to your domains' DNS records for live streaming acceleration to take effect.


H.264 or MPEG-4 Part 10, a video compression standard developed by the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) and ISO/IEC JTC1 Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG).


H.265 is a video compression standard, designed as a successor to H.264. Based on the video coding standard H.264, H.265 keeps some of the original technologies, while improves some relevant techniques. H.265 adopts the advanced techniques to improve the bit-stream, promote the coding quality, and better the relationship between time delay and algorithm complexity, to achieve best possible optimization. H.264 can transmit SD (lower than 1280 x 720 pixels) digital images at a rate lower than 1 Mbit/s, whereas H.265 can transmit standard HD (1280 x 720 pixels) audio and video at a rate of 1 Mbit/s to 2 Mbit/s.

Low Bitrate HD

Based on the human visual system model and Huawei's transcoding technology, Live analyzes each scenario, action, content, and texture in a video to deliver lower bitrate while keeping the bandwidth costs down but without compromising the video quality.

Real-time Transcoding

A process of transcoding one live stream into another or more in real time to meet different bandwidth, device, and user requirements

Weak Network

The QoS of a weak network is not stable.

95th Percentile Bandwidth

A billing option. Within a calendar month, the bandwidth is measured and recorded every 5 minutes on each valid day. At the end of the month, the records are sorted from the highest to the lowest, and the top 5% of the recorded bandwidth values are thrown away. Then the highest bandwidth value in the remaining records is the billable bandwidth of the month.


This is used to identify a live stream with the domain name and AppName. StreamName can be customized.


Path for storing streaming media files. The default value is live.

Live Broadcast URL

This includes an ingest URL and streaming URL. An original URL consists of the domain name, AppName, and StreamName. You can create multiple applications for each domain name, and create multiple live streams for each application.