Updated on 2022-09-08 GMT+08:00

Pricing Details

This section describes the pricing and renewal information about HSS. For details, see Pricing Details.

Billing Items

You will be charged based on your HSS edition and usage duration.

Table 1 Billing items



Edition (mandatory)

Edition (basic, enterprise, premium, or WTP)


Basic edition HSS provides a free trial when you purchase an ECS.

Required Duration

Yearly/Monthly HSS is billed on a yearly or monthly basis.

Billing Modes

You can purchase HSS in pay-per-use or yearly/monthly mode.

Table 2 HSS billing modes


Billing Mode




  • Yearly/Monthly
  • Pay-per-use
  • Only part of the security scan capabilities are available. This edition does not provide protection capabilities, nor does it provide support for DJCP MLPS certification.
  • If you have purchased ECS, the basic edition free trial is available in pay-per-use mode and available for 30 days.
  • If you select Yearly/Monthly and a message indicating insufficient quota is displayed, you need to purchase HSS and then enable it.

Pricing Details


  • Yearly/Monthly
  • Pay-per-use
  • In pay-per-use mode, you pay for the used resources based on the actual service duration (in hours), without a minimum fee.
  • Yearly/monthly resources provide a higher discount. This mode is recommended for long-term users. In yearly/monthly mode, you are billed based on the purchase period specified in the order.





Changing Configurations

  • Changing the billing mode
    • From pay-per-use to yearly/monthly

      A yearly/monthly package order will be generated for you. The yearly/monthly quota will be available immediately when you complete payment. To enable the yearly/monthly quota, choose Servers. In the Operation column of the required server, click Enable, and select the yearly/monthly quota.

    • From yearly/monthly to pay-per-use

      Choose Servers. In the Operation column of the required server, click Enable, and select the on-demand quota.

  • Unsubscription

    You can unsubscribe from HSS in the Billing Center.


If the purchased HSS quota expires, you can renew the quota to extend its validity period. You can also set automatic renewal. For details about HSS, see Renewal Rules.

Expiration and Overdue Payment

If you do not renew your yearly/monthly resources, they will enter a grace period or retention period before expire. For details, see Retention Period.

If your account is in arrears, you can view the arrears details in the Billing Center. To prevent resources from being disabled or released, you need to top up your account within the specified period. For details, see Repaying Arrears.


For more charging FAQs, see HSS FAQs.