Updated on 2024-05-31 GMT+08:00


Currently, GaussDB supports pay-per-use and yearly/monthly billing.

Billing Items

You are billed for GaussDB DB instances, database storage, and backup storage (optional).

Table 1 GaussDB billing items


Billing Method

DB instance

Yearly/monthly and pay-per-use

Database storage

Yearly/monthly and pay-per-use

Backup storage (optional)

GaussDB provides backup storage up to 100% of your provisioned database storage at no additional charge. If more backup storage is required, tiered pricing starts.

Public network traffic

GaussDB instances are accessible from both private and public networks. Only the traffic from public networks is billed.

For pricing details, see Product Pricing Details. You can use the price calculator to estimate the cost for your GaussDB usage.

Billing Modes

GaussDB provides the following two billing modes:

  • Yearly/Monthly: Provides a larger discount than pay-per-use billing and is recommended for long-term use.
  • Pay-per-use (hourly): You can start and stop instances as needed and will be billed based on the duration of your use of instances. Billing starts when your instance is created and ends when your instance is deleted. Pricing is listed on a per-hour basis, but bills are calculated based on the actual usage duration.

Specification Changes

  • Changing GaussDB instance specifications: You can change GaussDB instance specifications as required. After the change, you are charged based on the new instance specifications.
  • Scaling up storage space: You can change the storage space as required. After scaling the storage space, you are charged based on the new storage space. Storage space can only be scaled up. The storage space must be a multiple of (Number of shards x 40 GB).

Renewing a DB Instance

Currently, GaussDB supports pay-per-use and yearly/monthly billing. You can configure instance specifications and storage space based on your service requirements.

  • Pay-per-use: Pricing is listed on a per-hour basis, but bills are calculated based on the actual usage duration. If your account balance is not paid in a timely manner, your account will be in arrears.
  • Yearly/monthly: An upfront payment is required when you purchase the service. No additional fees are incurred as you use the service.

Expiration and Overdue Payment

  • Service Expiration

    Service expiration is only for DB instances billed on a yearly/monthly basis.

    After a yearly/monthly DB instance expires, you can neither perform any operations on the management console nor invoke related APIs. Automatic monitoring, alarm reporting and other O&M operations will also be unavailable. If the account is not topped up or the resource package is not renewed before the retention period expires, the DB instance will become unavailable and data stored in the DB instance will be deleted and cannot be recovered.

  • Overdue Payment

    Overdue payment is only for DB instances billed on the pay-per-use basis.

    A pay-per-use DB instance is billed by hour. If the account balance is not enough to cover the payment, the DB instance is in arrears. If the DB instance is renewed within the retention period, it will be available and charged from the original expiration date.