Updated on 2024-01-18 GMT+08:00

Application Scenarios


QABot automatically answers questions from customers, collects frequently asked, easy-to-understand questions, and mines Q&A pairs and builds knowledge bases, improving question answering accuracy and reducing labor costs in customer service.

  • After-sale automated Q&A

    In this scenario, intelligent Q&A bots are used to perform automated, highly accurate handling of customer questions across a wide range of scenarios, such as after-sales support, questions on use, and troubleshooting. Bots can handle anywhere 30-80% of the questions depending on the situation, saving you big on labor costs.

  • Agent assistant

    In this scenario, a bot listens to the conversation between the human agent and the customer, extracts keywords, and searches for and displays possible answers to the customer's question. This way, it provides real-time support for the agent and significantly improves the agent's productivity and the customer's satisfaction.

  • Pre-sales consultant

    Powered by prebuilt product knowledge bases, a bot automatically answers questions from potential customers about products and services and can explain product features and provide comparisons on related products.