Updated on 2023-06-25 GMT+08:00

Management Console Error Code

If errors occur when GaussDB(DWS) operation requests submitted on the management console are being processed, error information is displayed on the management console. The error information includes the returned error code and description.

Error Code Description

If an error occurs, find the error code and perform the corresponding operations listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Error codes

Error Code

Error Information

Recommended Action


Failed to create the cluster. Contact the customer service or try again later.

Check the remaining resource quota of the account. If the remaining resource quota is greater than the requested resources, contact the customer service or technical support engineers.


Failed to scale out the cluster. Contact the customer service or try again later.

Check the remaining node quota of the account. If the remaining node quota is greater than the number of requested nodes, contact the customer service or technical support engineers.


Failed to restart the cluster. Contact the customer service or try again later.

Contact the customer service or try again later.


Failed to restore the cluster. Contact the customer service or try again later.

Check the remaining quota of the account. If the remaining quota is greater than the requested quota, contact the customer service or technical support engineers.


Failed to create a GaussDB(DWS) node. This is caused by an ECS exception and the error code is ${FailureReason}. Contact the customer service or try again later.


Replace ${FailureReason} with the real-world ECS error code, for example, ECS.0219.

For details about the ECS error codes and recommended actions, see How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console? in the Elastic Cloud Server FAQs.

You can also select another region, AZ, or node flavor to create a cluster.


Failed to bind an EIP to a data warehouse cluster. This is caused by a VPC exception and the error code is ${FailureReason}. Contact the customer service or try again later.


Replace ${FailureReason} with the real-world VPC error code.

For details about the VPC error codes, see Error Codes in the Virtual Private Cloud API Reference.


Failed to bind the EIP. The error code is ${FailureReason}.


Replace ${FailureReason} with the real-world VPC error code.

For details about the VPC error codes, see Error Codes in the Virtual Private Cloud API Reference.


The EIP has been bound to other VMs. The error code is ${FailureReason}.


Replace ${FailureReason} with the real-world VPC error code.

Select another unbound EIP.


Failed to create the private network domain name. The error code is ${FailureReason}.


Replace ${FailureReason} with the real-world DNS error code.

For details about the VPC error codes, see Error Codes in the Virtual Private Cloud API Reference.


Failed to create the ELB.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to delete the cluster.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to download the image package.

Contact technical support or try again later.


The instance management IP address cannot be pinged.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to bind EPS.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to initialize the instance.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to create the instance.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to create the instance NIC.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to create the resource tenant.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to create the O&M tenant.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to create a VPC for the resource tenant.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to create the security group.

Check whether the security group quota is sufficient or use the default security group to create the cluster again.


Failed to create the server group.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to stop the BMS service.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to start the BMS service.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to initialize the cluster instance channel.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to configure the node route on the tenant side.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to create the VPC endpoint.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to assign the EIP.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to bind an EIP.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to update the internal status of the instance.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to monitor the instance.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Cluster backup failed.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to report the cluster status.

Contact technical support or try again later.


Failed to create the OBS tablespace.

Contact technical support or try again later.


No AZ is available when you create an ELB.

Use a shared ELB and try again.


Failed to bind the Elastic Load Balancer to the exclusive load balancer because the cross-VPC forwarding feature is not enabled or the VPC of the exclusive load balancer is different from that of the cluster.

Go to the ELB console to enable the cross-VPC forwarding feature or select an LB that is in the same VPC as the cluster and try again.


The node ID is null.

Use a correct instance node ID and try again.


The node ID does not exist.

Use a correct instance node ID and try again.


The node alias is null.

Enter a correct node alias and try again.


The node alias is invalid.

Enter a correct node alias and try again.


The node alias already exists.

Change the node alias and try again.


The current policy does not allow vpc:quotas:list to be executed.

Configure the vpc:quotas:list policy for the current account on the IAM page and try again.


Failed to connect to the RPC of the node. Check and restore the network of the node.

Try again after the node network recovers.


Failed to configure the default exception rule for the operator spill in disk scale-out.

Check the operator spill rule for disk scale-out.


The task ID is incorrect.

Use a correct task ID and try again.


Before creating a public domain name, bind a public IP address to the cluster.

Bind a public IP address to the cluster and try again.


The selected flavor does not support elastic storage.

Change the cluster flavor and try again.


The public domain name already exists.

Change the public domain name and try again.


The connection configuration name is invalid.

Use a standard connection configuration name.