Updated on 2022-07-29 GMT+08:00

Refreshing a Database Connection

Perform the following steps to refresh a database connection.

  1. In the Object Browser pane, right-click the selected connection name and select Refresh or press F5.

    The status of the completed operation is displayed in the status bar.

The time taken to refresh a database depends on the number of objects in the database. Therefore, perform this operation as required on large databases.

  • If you right-click the connection name and select Refresh, the connection will be refreshed and updated with the latest content on the server.
  • If you right-click Function/Procedure and select Refresh, all functions/procedures and tables under the schema will be refreshed and updated with the latest content on the server.

    If a stored procedure has been deleted from the database before the refresh operation, this stored procedure will be deleted from Object Browser only when the refresh operation is performed.

  • If you right-click a specific function/procedure and select Refresh, this function/procedure will be refreshed and updated with the latest content on the server.
  • If you refresh the entire database or connection, all child objects of schemas in search_path, as well as the schemas already expanded by the user, will be loaded again.
  • If you reconnect to the database, only schema objects saved under search_path will be loaded. Objects that have been expanded will not be loaded.
  • A database and multiple objects under it cannot be refreshed simultaneously.

Exporting/Importing Connection Details

Data Studio allows you to export or import connection details from the connection dialog for future reference.

The following parameters can be exported:

  • SSL Mode
  • Connection name
  • Server IP
  • Server Port
  • Database Name
  • Username
  • clSSLCertificatePath
  • clSSLKeyPath
  • profileId
  • rootCertFilePathText
  • connctionDriverName
  • schemaExclusionList
  • schemaInclusionList
  • loadLimit
  • privilegeBasedObAcess
  • databaseVersion
  • savePrdOption
  • dbType
  • version

Perform the following steps to import or export a connection configuration file:

  1. Click File in the menu bar.

    The following window is displayed:

  2. Select Export Connections to export a connection configuration file.

    The Export Connection Profiles dialog box is displayed. You can select the connections to be exported in this dialog box.

    Select the connections you want to export and enter the name of the file where the exported connections will be saved. Click OK.

    Select the location where you want to save the file and click OK.

    The following dialog box is displayed after the connections are exported.

  3. Select Import Connections to import a connection configuration file.
  4. Select the file you want to import and click Open.

    If the connections to be imported match the existing ones, a dialog box is displayed as follows.

    • Replace: The imported connection configuration file will be replaced with the existing one.
    • Copy, but keep both files: The imported connection configuration file will be renamed.
    • Don't Copy: The existing connection configuration file will remain unchanged.
    • Do this for all conflicts: The same operation will be repeated for all the matches.

    Click any of the preceding options as required and click OK.

Password and SSL password parameters will not be exported.