Help Center> Meeting> Server API Reference> FAQs> What Do I Do If App ID Authentication Failed?
Updated on 2022-07-04 GMT+08:00

What Do I Do If App ID Authentication Failed?

App ID Authentication

1. Check whether the specified app ID and key match the application information.

2. Check whether the format of the Authorization value is correct.

Example: HMAC-SHA256 signature=bd4b79e16c15fc9274f3336f85a4847e6211c5fc34a1e16be8a35a9c15995915

Figure 1 Authorization parameter format

3. Check whether the generated signature is correct. For details, see Generation Algorithm.

Example: HMAC-SHA256 signature=HexEncode(HMAC256((appId + ":" + userId + ":" + expireTime + ":" + nonce), appKey))

If the enterprise administrator is used for authentication, the userId parameter can be left blank, but the colon (:) must be reserved.

Example: HMAC-SHA256 signature=HexEncode(HMAC256((appId + ":" + ":" + expireTime + ":" + nonce), appKey))

4. Ensure that the parameters in the body are the same as those when the signature is generated.