Updated on 2023-02-16 GMT+08:00

Using LwM2M For Access


LwM2M, proposed by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), is a lightweight, standard, and universal IoT device management protocol that can be used to quickly deploy IoT services in client/server mode. LwM2M establishes a set of standards for IoT device management and application. It provides lightweight, compact, and secure communication interfaces and efficient data models for M2M device management and service support. The IoT platform supports encrypted and non-encrypted access. Port 5684 and CoAP over DTLS are used for encrypted service data exchange and access. Port 5683 and CoAP are used for non-encrypted access.

For details about LwM2M syntax and APIs, see specifications.

The IoT platform supports the plain text, opaque, Core Link, TLV, and JSON encoding formats specified in the protocol. In the multi-field operation (for example, writing multiple resources), the TLV format is used by default.


Table 1 Limitations



Supported LwM2M version


Supported DTLS version

DTLS 1.2

Supported cryptographic algorithm suite


Maximum body length

1 KB

API specifications

See Specifications.


For details about the platform endpoint, see Platform Connection Information.

Use the endpoint corresponding to CoAP (5683) or CoAPS (5684) and port 5683 (non-encrypted) or 5684 (encrypted) for device access.