Updated on 2023-10-30 GMT+08:00


Specifications of Standard Edition

IoTDA provides standard instances for device access and service processing. Each Huawei Cloud user can enable up to one standard instance in the same region. If it cannot meet your requirements, submit a service ticket. You can select the type and number of units in the standard instance to determine the total number of messages allowed per day between devices and the platform. If you increase the number of units of the same type, the total number of messages will increase and the function limitations will change as well.

After an instance is enabled, you are billed based on the usage duration (days) and unit type and quantity you select.

Table 1 Unit specifications

Unit Type


Message Size (KB)

Monthly Price/Unit (Estimate)










4 million




40 million




300 million



  • A standard instance can be configured with multiple units of the same type, for example, five SU1 units, but cannot be configured with different types of units, for example, two SU1 units and three SU2 units. You can change the number and type of units at any time. For example, you can upgrade two SU1 units to five SU1 units or two SU1 units to two SU2 units. You can enable only one SUF unit but 100 SU1, SU2, SU3, or SU4 units. An SUF unit can be upgraded to an SU1, SU2, SU3, or SU4 units. After the upgrade, the original SUF unit is no longer retained.
  • Number of messages: Charged messages include upstream and downstream messages between devices and the platform, messages sent by an application by calling platform APIs, and messages pushed by the platform to the server. Protocol messages, such as heartbeat messages and ACK messages at the protocol layer, are free of charge. For details, see Table 2. You are advised to limit the number of calls to ensure that the number of messages does not exceed the limit. If the limit is exceeded, IoTDA will generate an alarm and rejects messages. Upgrade the unit specifications or increase the number of units in a timely manner.
  • Message size: The maximum length of a single message published using MQTT is 1 MB. The maximum length of a single message published using LwM2M over CoAP is 1 KB. If the message size exceeds the limit, the message will be rejected. A message that is smaller than or equal to 4 KB is counted as one message. A message that is larger than 4 KB is counted as two or more messages.
  • Number of devices: A standard instance supports a maximum of two million registered devices. If you want to increase the quota, submit a service ticket to describe your requirements. The number of concurrent online devices supported is equal to the number of registered devices. When only an SUF unit is enabled, up to 1000 devices can be registered.
  • TPS of upstream and downstream messages: It describes the maximum throughput of upstream and downstream messages per second, that is, the total number of messages sent from all devices in an instance to the platform and from the platform to devices per second. The quotas of a standard instance are determined by the type and number of units.

    Specific quota limits are as follows:

    SUF: 10 TPS/unit

    SU1: 10 TPS/unit

    SU2: 100 TPS/unit

    SU3: 1000 TPS/unit

    SU4: 6000 TPS/unit

    If the quotas cannot meet your service requirements, submit a service ticket to describe your requirements.

  • For details about other limitations except for the specifications and quota limits listed above, see Limitations.


Scenario: A user enables the IoTDA standard instance and plans to register 100,000 devices. The average number of online devices per day is 10,000. Each online device sends a message (smaller than 4 KB) to the platform every 5 seconds on average. No API calls or push messages are involved. The daily working duration is 8 hours.

The TPS of upstream and downstream messages is 2000 (10,000 devices ÷ 5 seconds/message/device). The total number of messages per day is 57,600,000 (8 hours x 60 x 60 seconds x 2000 TPS). In this case, you can purchase two SU3 units, which support 2000 TPS, 80 million messages per day, and up to 2 million registered devices, and cost about USD2100 (USD1050 x 2). Alternatively, you can purchase 20 SU2 units. Bills are generated and deduction is triggered every day.