Updated on 2023-06-25 GMT+08:00

Environment Management

An environment is a collection of compute, storage, and network resources used for deploying and running an application. ServiceStage combines basic resources (such as CCE clusters and ECSs) and optional resources (such as ELB instances and DCS instances) in the same VPC into an environment, such as a development environment, testing environment, pre-production environment, or production environment. The resources within an environment can be networked together. Managing resources and deploying services by environment simplifies O&M.

ServiceStage allows a single user to create a maximum of 1000 environments.

Creating an Environment

  1. Log in to ServiceStage, choose Environment Management, and click Create Environment.
  2. Set basic parameters. Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.




    Environment name.


    Environment description.


    Select the VPC to which the infrastructure belongs.

    For details about how to create a VPC, see Creating a VPC.


    After a VPC is selected, infrastructure resources in the VPC are loaded for selection. Resources that are not in the VPC cannot be selected.

    *Basic Resource

    Select at least one of the following infrastructures: CCE, ECS. You can select multiple infrastructures.

    Optional Resource

    You can select ELB, EIP, DCS, or CSE as required.

  3. Click Create Now.

    After the environment is created, you can view the environment information on the Environment Management page.

Modifying an Environment

  1. Log in to ServiceStage, choose Environment Management, and click Edit of the environment to be modified.
  2. Set basic parameters. Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.




    Enter a new environment name.


    Environment description.


    The VPC cannot be modified. You can only add resources in the selected VPC. Resources that are not in the VPC cannot be selected.

    *Basic Resource

    You can add or delete basic resources, including CCE and ECS.

    Optional Resource

    You can add or delete optional resources, including ELB, EIP, DCS, or CSE as required.

  3. Click Save.

    After the environment is modified, you can view the environment information on the Environment Management page.

Deleting an Environment

  • Before deleting an environment, ensure that no application component is deployed in the environment or the deployed application components have been deleted. For details, see Managing Application Components.
  • Deleting an environment does not delete resources in the environment.
  1. Log in to ServiceStage, choose Environment Management, and click Delete on an existing environment.
  2. In the dialog box that is displayed, click OK.