Updated on 2025-01-21 GMT+08:00

International SMS Statistics


Message & SMS allows you to view and export international SMS statistics.

Viewing Statistics

  1. Log in to the Message & SMS console. In the navigation pane, choose Statistics > International SMS.
  2. Add filters.

    Filter Criteria



    You can query statistics based on the specified country or region names.


    You can query statistics by filtering applications.

    SMS Type

    You can query statistics by filtering SMS types.


    You can query statistics by filtering templates.


    You can quickly filter and view the statistics of the last half year as well as query data of 31 consecutive days.

    When you query the data of one day, statistics are displayed by hour. When you query the data of more than one day, statistics are displayed by day.

  3. View statistics details.
    • View the statistics through a chart.
      Statistics are displayed by hour or day based on the filter criteria. Data can be displayed in bar charts or line charts. The statistics area on the right displays the total number of successful sending times, number of failed sending times, and their proportions.

      Select or deselect the check boxes on the right to determine the data displayed on the chart.

    • View the total statistics items and export the data.



      Total submit

      Total number of submitted SMSs that meet the filter criteria you set in 2.

      Total submitted

      Total number of successfully submitted SMSs that meet the filter criteria you set in 2.

      Total submission failures

      Total number of SMSs that fail to be submitted and meet the filter criteria you set in 2.

      If an SMS fails to be submitted in either of the following ways, it is not charged.

      • API or Group SMS Assistant calling fails. For details, see API Error Codes.
      • status (or status code) returned is an error code of the Huawei platform.

        View all SMS Status Error Codes. (SMSs with status error codes from the Huawei platform are not charged.)

      Submission success rate

      Submission success rate = Total submitted/Total submit

      Total sent successfully

      Total number of successfully sent SMSs that meet the filter criteria you set in 2. You are billed for successfully sent SMSs.

      Total sending failures

      Total number of SMSs that failed to be sent and meet the filter criteria you set in 2.

      If status (or status code) returned is an error code of the supplier platform, you will be billed for SMSs that failed to be sent.

      Sending success rate

      Sending success rate = Total sent successfully/Total submit


      Click to export the total statistics.

    • The platform collects statistics on SMSs by hour or day.

      In the following figure, SMS statistics are displayed by hour.

      In the following figure, SMS statistics are displayed by day.

      You can click view failure to view failure records and rectify the fault based on the sending results, status codes, and status error codes.