Help Center/ KooPhone/ User Guide/ Security Management/ Encrypted Transmission
Updated on 2024-07-22 GMT+08:00

Encrypted Transmission

The Encrypted Transmission page displays your purchased cloud phone instances. You can enable or disable the encrypted transmission function for them.

  • Click the cloud phone name to check information such as the ID, region, flavor, and username. Enter a keyword in the search box or click next to Status to filter data.
  • Click on the right to search for instances that meet the filter criteria.
  • Click in the upper right corner to refresh all instances.
  • By default, the list displays information such as the cloud phone name/ID, region, flavor, and username. Click in the upper right corner above the list to customize columns. For details about mandatory and optional parameters, see Table 1.
    Table 1 Parameters



    Cloud Phone Name/ID

    (Mandatory) Name of a cloud phone defined when you purchased the cloud phone and ID that the system assigns to a cloud phone instance.


    (Mandatory) Location of the physical data center of cloud phones. Different regions indicate different physical distances between a physical data center and users, as well as different levels of network latency.


    (Mandatory) Flavor of the cloud phone, including the vCPU and memory.


    (Optional) Member name configured by the administrator.


    (Mandatory) Task execution status, which is Enabled or Disabled.

Enabling Encrypted Transmission

You can enable encrypted transmission for your cloud phones.

  1. Sign in to the KooPhone console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Security Management > Encrypted Transmission.
  3. In the instance list, select one or more cloud phone instances and click Enable in the upper left corner above the list.
  4. On the displayed page, confirm the cloud phone instance information and click OK.
  5. When the message "Enabled" is displayed, click OK.

Disabling Encrypted Transmission

You can disable encrypted transmission for your cloud phones.

  1. In the instance list, select one or more cloud phone instances and click Disable in the upper left corner above the list.
  2. On the displayed page, confirm the cloud phone instance information and click OK.
  3. When the message "Disabled" is displayed, click OK.