Help Center/ KooPhone/ User Guide/ Security Management/ App Blacklists/Whitelists
Updated on 2024-07-22 GMT+08:00

App Blacklists/Whitelists

On the App Blacklist/Whitelist page, you can view the blacklist or whitelist details, including ID, name, type, description, creation time, status, and available operations. For details, see Table 1.
Table 1 Parameters



List ID

ID that the system assigns to the created list.

List Name

Custom name of the list. A name contains up to 20 characters.

List Type

Blacklist or Whitelist.


Custom description of the list. The value contains up to 100 characters.


Time when the list was created.


Enabled or unopened.


Enable, Disable, Modify, and Delete.

You can set filter criteria above the list to filter the list.

  • Click the list name to check the list ID. Enter a keyword in the search box or click next to List Type or Status to filter data.
  • Click on the right to search for lists that meet the filter criteria.
  • Click in the upper right corner to refresh all lists.

Enabling a Blacklist/Whitelist

  1. In the list area, locate a created blacklist or whitelist.

    All lists created by the tenant are displayed.

  2. Click Enable in the Operation column.

Creating a Blacklist/Whitelist

If no blacklist or whitelist is available for an app, you can create one.

  1. Sign in to the KooPhone console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Security Management > App Blacklist/Whitelist.
  3. Click Create Blacklist/Whitelist. Enter the blacklist or whitelist information based on Table 2 and click Next.

    Table 2 Blacklist or whitelist information



    List Name

    Custom name of the list. A name contains up to 20 characters.

    List Type

    Blacklist or Whitelist.

    App Package Name

    Name of a local app.


    Custom description of the list. The value contains up to 100 characters.

  4. Select cloud phones and click Next.

    Purchased cloud phone instances are displayed. You can enter a cloud phone name, ID, region, flavor, or username in the search box to filter the instances.

    A cloud phone can be added to only one app blacklist or whitelist.

  5. Confirm the list and cloud phone information and click Submit.
  6. When the message "Created" is displayed, click OK.

Modifying a Blacklist/Whitelist

  1. On the App Blacklist/Whitelist page, locate a list to be modified and click Modify in the Operation column on the right.
  2. Enter the blacklist or whitelist information based on Table 2 and click Next.
  3. Select cloud phones and click Next.
  4. Confirm the list and cloud phone information and click Submit.
  5. When the message "Modified" is displayed, click OK.

Deleting a Blacklist/Whitelist

  1. On the App Blacklist/Whitelist page, delete one or more lists.

    • Select one or more lists and click Bulk Delete in the upper left corner above the list.

    • Locate a list and click Delete in the Operation column on the right.

  2. In the Confirm dialog box, enter information as prompted and click OK.

Disabling a Blacklist/Whitelist

  1. On the App Blacklist/Whitelist page, locate a list to be disabled and click Disable in the Operation column on the right.

  2. In the displayed dialog box, click OK.