Updated on 2025-02-08 GMT+08:00

Deploying an Application in Kubernetes (CCE Cluster) Quickly

This section introduces how to deploy an application quickly by upgrading Kubernetes workload images.


A CCE cluster is available.


Table 1 Parameters



Action Name

Name of an added deployment action. Enter 1 to 128 characters. Do not start or end with a space. Use letters, digits, spaces, and these special characters: -_,;:./().


  • Current: The software package is deployed in the CCE cluster of the current tenant for release.

    Select Current. The current tenant must have the CCE cluster operation permission. If the current tenant does not have the CCE cluster operation permission, select IAM authorization for deployment.

  • Other: The software package is deployed and published in the CCE cluster of another tenant in IAM authorization mode.

    If you select Other, you must select an authorized tenant to deploy the CCE cluster.


IAM authorization

If you do not have the permission to execute an API, this parameter enables you to obtain the temporary AK/SK of the parent user to execute the CCE API through IAM.


Select the region to be deployed.

Cluster Name

Select the Kubernetes cluster applied on CCE.


Select the namespace of the Kubernetes cluster on CCE.


Select the target Deployment.


Enter the number of instances to be deployed.


If blank, the current number of pods in the CCE cluster will be adopted.


Select the name of the CCE container to be deployed.


Select the image to be deployed.

Image Tag

Select the tag of the image to be deployed.

Container Specifications

You can configure the specifications of the target container in the target workload.

  • CPU Quota
    • Request: Minimum number of CPU cores required by a container. Resources are scheduled for the container based on this value. The container can be scheduled to a node only when the total available CPU on the node is greater than or equal to the requested quota.
    • Limit: Maximum number of CPU cores required by a container. If the CPU usage is greater than the limit, the CPU resources used by the container may be limited.
  • Memory Quota
    • Request: Minimum memory size required by a container. Resources are scheduled for the container based on this value. The container can be scheduled to a node only when the total available memory on the node is greater than or equal to the requested quota.
    • Limit: Maximum memory size available for a container. When the memory usage exceeds the configured memory limit, the instance may be restarted, affecting normal use of deployment.

Environment Variables

You can configure environment variables of the target container in the target workload.

You can synchronize real-time environment variables from CCE to this page to replace current variables.

Java Probes

You can locate workload issues and analyze performance bottlenecks. For details, see Configuring APM Settings for Performance Bottleneck Analysis.

Probe Type

  • APM2.0 Probe: Java probes will allocate 0.25-core CPU and 250-MiB memory to initialize containers.
  • Disable: Probe fault locating is disabled.

When Probe Type is set to APM2.0 Probe, configure the following parameters:

Probe Version: Select a probe version.

Probe Upgrade Policy: Select Automatic upgrade upon restart or Manual upgrade upon restart.

  • Automatic upgrade upon restart: The system downloads the image upon each restart.
  • Manual upgrade upon restart: If a local image is available, it will be used. If no local image is available, the system downloads the probe image.

APM Environment: (Optional) Enter the APM environment information.

APM Business: Select an existing APM service.

APM Sub-Business: (Optional) Enter a sub-service.

Access Key Id: The system automatically obtains the key information of APM. You can go to the APM console to check the key details.

For details about the APM 2.0 parameters, see APM parameters.

Action Control

Continue the task even if this action fails.


Maximum execution duration of an action, in minutes. If the task duration exceeds the specified time before you stop the application, the action will be timed out. Value range: 1–30

You can use ${XXX} to reference parameters in Parameter to use in Container, Image, Image Tag, Instances, and Java Probes(including APM Environment and APM Sub-Businesses). For details, see Parameter Management.