Updated on 2025-02-18 GMT+08:00

Configuring Advanced Forwarding Rules for a LoadBalancer Ingress

Ingresses offer diverse forwarding rules that can match listeners based on different request parameters like HTTP request methods, headers, query strings, CIDR blocks, and cookies. Each listener is associated with an ELB access port. This facilitates flexible service distribution and resource allocation.

Figure 1 How an advanced forwarding rule operates


  • A CCE standard or Turbo cluster is available, and the cluster version meets the following requirements:
    • v1.23: v1.23.18-r10 or later
    • v1.25: v1.25.16-r0 or later
    • v1.27: v1.27.16-r0 or later
    • v1.28: v1.28.13-r0 or later
    • v1.29: v1.29.8-r0 or later
    • v1.30: v1.30.4-r0 or later
    • Other clusters of later versions
  • The cluster can be accessed using kubectl. For details, see Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl.

Notes and Constraints

Using kubectl

  1. Use kubectl to access the cluster. For details, see Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl.
  2. Create a YAML file named ingress-test.yaml. The file name can be customized.

    vi ingress-test.yaml
    An example YAML file of an ingress created using an existing load balancer is as follows:
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 
    kind: Ingress 
        kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance
        kubernetes.io/elb.id: ab53c3b2-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-5ac3eb2887be
        kubernetes.io/elb.port: '80'
        # Access the svc-hello1 service. Ensure that this service is available.
        kubernetes.io/elb.conditions.svc-hello1: |  
                "type": "Method", 
                "methodConfig": { 
                  "values": [ 
                "type": "Header", 
                "headerConfig": { 
                  "key": "gray-hello", 
                  "values": [ 
                "type": "Cookie", 
                "cookieConfig": { 
                  "values": [ 
                      "key": "querystringkey1", 
                      "value": "querystringvalue2" 
                      "key": "querystringkey3", 
                      "value": "querystringvalue4" 
                "type": "QueryString", 
                "queryStringConfig": { 
                  "key": "testKey", 
                  "values": [ 
                "type": "SourceIp", 
                "sourceIpConfig": { 
                  "values": [ 
      name: ingress-test 
      ingressClassName: cce 
       - http: 
          - path: /hello1 
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific 
                name: svc-hello1 
                  number: 80
    Table 1 Annotations for advanced forwarding rules






    Configure an advanced forwarding rule. ${svc_name} indicates the Service name, which can contain a maximum of 48 characters.

    If the annotation value is set to [], the advanced forwarding rule is deleted.

    An annotation value is in the form of a JSON array. For details, see Table 2.


    The rules in a condition array are connected by an AND relationship, while the values in the same rule block are connected by an OR relationship. For example, if both Method and QueryString are configured, the target traffic can be distributed only when both rules are met. However, if the Method value is GET or POST, the target traffic can be distributed only when both rules are met and the Method value must be GET or POST.

    Table 2 Array structure


    How to Use



    Matching type. Options:

    • Method: HTTP requests are forwarded based on the matched method. This parameter must be used with methodConfig. This parameter can be configured only once.
    • Header: HTTP requests are forwarded based on the matched header. This parameter must be used with headerConfig.
    • Cookie: HTTP requests are forwarded based on the matched cookie. This parameter must be used with cookieConfig.
    • QueryString: HTTP requests are forwarded based on the matched character string. This parameter must be used with queryStringConfig.
    • SourceIp: HTTP requests are forwarded based on the matched CIDR block. This parameter must be used with sourceIpConfig. This parameter can be configured only once.



    An HTTP request method that is used to forward requests. This parameter is used only when type is set to Method.

    Multiple request methods can be concurrently configured, including GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, and OPTIONS.

    You only need to configure values (an array) for methodConfig.

      "type": "Method",
      "methodConfig": {
         "values": [


    An HTTP request header that is used to forward requests. This parameter is used only when type is set to Header.

    • A key can only contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

      The first letter of the User-agent and Connection HTTP request headers must be capitalized.

    • Multiple values can be configured for a key. A value can only contain letters, digits, and special characters (!#$%&'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@[]^-_'{|}~). Asterisks (*) and question marks (?) can be used as wildcard characters.

    You can only configure one key for each headerConfig rule. If you need multiple keys, configure multiple headerConfig rules.

      "type": "Header",
      "headerConfig": {
         "key": "gray-hello",
         "values": [


    A cookie that is used to forward requests. This parameter is used only when type is set to Cookie. A cookie consists of a key and a value, which must be configured separately.

    • A key can contain 1 to 100 characters and cannot start or end with a space.
    • A value can contain 1 to 100 characters. Configure a value for each key.

    You can enter multiple key-value pairs that can contain letters, digits, and special characters (!%'"()*+,./:=?@^-_`~).

    When configuring cookieConfig, you can configure multiple key-value pairs in values, and these pairs will have an OR relationship with each other.

      "type": "Cookie", 
      "cookieConfig": { 
         "values": [ 
              "key": "querystringkey1", 
              "value": "querystringvalue2" 
               "key": "querystringkey3", 
               "value": "querystringvalue4" 


    A character string that is used to forward requests. If the character string in a request matches the one in the configured forwarding rule, the request will be forwarded. This parameter is used only when type is set to QueryString.

    A query string consists of a key and one or more values. Configure the key and values separately.

    • A key can only contain letters, digits, and special characters (!$'()*+,./:;=?@^-_').
    • Multiple values can be configured for a key. A value can only contain letters, digits, and special characters (!$'()*+,./:;=?@^-_'). Asterisks (*) and question marks (?) can be used as wildcard characters.

    You can only configure one key for each queryStringConfig rule. If you need multiple keys, configure multiple QueryStringConfig rules.

       "type": "QueryString", 
       "queryStringConfig": { 
          "key": "testKey", 
          "values": [ 


    A CIDR block that is used to forward requests. This parameter is used only when type is set to SourceIp.

    Example CIDR block: or 2020:50::44/127

    You only need to configure values (an array) for sourceIpConfig.

       "type": "SourceIp", 
       "sourceIpConfig": { 
          "values": [ 

  3. Create an ingress.

    kubectl create -f ingress-test.yaml

    If information similar to the following is displayed, the ingress has been created:

    ingress/ingress-test created

  4. Check the created ingress.

    kubectl get ingress
    If information similar to the following is displayed, the ingress has been created:
    NAME          CLASS    HOSTS     ADDRESS          PORTS   AGE
    ingress-test  cce      *         121.**.**.**     80      10s