SoftWare Repository for Container
SoftWare Repository for Container (SWR) provides easy, secure, and reliable management over container images throughout their lifecycle, facilitating the deployment of containerized applications.
Progressive Knowledge
SWR knowledge for users from beginner level to expert level

Gain an idea about the features and application scenarios of SWR to see how it suits your services.
Service Overview

Explore how to write a Dockerfile with better readability and higher efficiency to build images with fewer layers and smaller sizes.
Writing a Quality Dockerfile

Use open, diverse APIs and calling samples to access and manage SWR resources such as organizations, image repositories, and images.
API Reference

Learn how to push images to SWR through a container engine client.
Getting Started

Be a Power User
Experience storing your images in an SWR private image repository and granting different permissions (read, write, and manage) to different users with the SWR fine-grained permission system. Free yourself from repetitive manual work using automatic image deployment upon image update, synchronization, retention, sharing, and favoriting.
Common Operations
Image Management
Organization Management
User Permissions
Learn more about common issues and solutions.
Typical Cases
Is SWR Charged?
Why Cannot I See the ContainerOps Console?
Why Does the Login Command Fail to Be Executed?
Why Does an Image Fail to Be Uploaded Through a Container Engine Client?
Why Does an Image Fail to Be Uploaded Through a Container Engine Client?
Can I Pull Images on the SWR Console to a Local PC?
Image Management
How Do I Push an Image to SWR Through APIs?
Can I Pull Images from Another Region?
Why Cannot I See Images Synchronized to the Target Region After Configuring Image Synchronization?
What Are the Differences Between Long-Term Valid Login Commands and Temporary Login Commands?
Can Existing Images be Automatically Synchronized?
Why Does the Login Command Fail to Be Executed?
Why Does an Image Fail to Be Uploaded Through a Container Engine Client?
Why Does an Image Fail to Be Uploaded Through SWR Console?
Why Does the docker pull Command Fail to Be Executed?
What Should I Do If Images Cannot Be Downloaded from Private Networks?