هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة حاليًا بلغتك المحلية. نحن نعمل جاهدين على إضافة المزيد من اللغات. شاكرين تفهمك ودعمك المستمر لنا.
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Product Bulletin
- Service Overview
- Billing
- Getting Started
- TaurusDB Kernel Version Release History
Common Kernel Functions
- Parallel Query
- Near Data Processing
- DDL Optimization
- Fast Binlog Positioning
- Backward Index Scan
- Statement Outline
- Idle Transaction Disconnection
- LIMIT...OFFSET Pushdown
- Conversion of IN Predicates Into Subqueries
- DISTINCT Optimization for Multi-Table Joins
- Diagnosis on Large Transactions
- Enhanced Partitioned Tables
- Hot Row Update
- Multi-tenancy
- Column Compression
- Table Recycle Bin
- Cold Data Preloading for Read Replicas
- Self-Healing of Read Replicas upon a Replication Latency
User Guide
- Permissions Management
- Buying a DB Instance
- Connecting to a DB Instance
- Database Usage
- Data Migration
Instance Management
- Viewing the Overall Status of DB Instances
- Viewing Metrics
- Instance Lifecycle Management
Configuration Changes
- Changing the vCPUs and Memory of a DB Instance or Node
- Changing the Storage Space of a DB Instance
- Configuring Auto Scaling Policies for a DB Instance
- Changing the Maintenance Window of a DB Instance
- Customizing Displayed Items of the Instance List
- Upgrading the Minor Version of a DB Instance
- Enabling or Disabling Event Scheduler
- Updating the OS of a DB Instance
- Data Backups
- Data Restorations
- Serverless Instances
- Multi-primary Instances (OBT)
- Read Replicas
Database Proxy (Read/Write Splitting)
- What Is Database Proxy?
- Creating a Proxy Instance for Read/Write Splitting
Changing Configurations of a Proxy Instance
- Changing the Consistency Level of a Proxy Instance
- Enabling the Connection Pool for a Proxy Instance
- Enabling Transaction Splitting for a Proxy Instance
- Modifying the Routing Policy of a Proxy Instance
- Changing Read Weights of Nodes
- Changing the Multi-statement Processing Mode of a Proxy Instance
- Enabling Automatic Association of New Nodes with a Proxy Instance
- Enabling Access Control for a Proxy Instance
- Changing the Specifications of a Proxy Instance
- Changing the Number of Nodes for a Proxy Instance
- Applying for a Private Domain Name for a Proxy Instance
- Changing the Port of a Proxy Instance
- Changing the Proxy Address of a Proxy Instance
- Modifying Parameters of a Proxy Instance
- Binding an EIP to a Proxy Instance
- Proxy Instance Lifecycle
- Proxy Instance Kernel Versions
- Using Hints for Read/Write Splitting
- DBA Assistant
- Parameter Management
- Security and Encryption
- Cold and Hot Data Separation (OBT)
- Application Lossless and Transparent (ALT)
HTAP Analysis (Standard Edition)
- What Is HTAP of Standard Edition?
- Connecting to an HTAP Instance for Complex OLAP Queries
- Connecting to a Standard HTAP Instance
Standard HTAP Instance Management
- Rebooting a Standard HTAP Instance
- Rebooting a Node of a Standard HTAP Instance
- Changing Storage Space of a Standard HTAP Instance
- Adding Read Replicas to a Standard HTAP Instance
- Deleting a Standard HTAP Instance
- Adjusting Blacklisted or Whitelisted Tables of a Standard HTAP Instance and Repairing Tables
- Standard HTAP Account Management
- Viewing Metrics of a Standard HTAP Instance or Nodes
- Syntax and Data Type Mappings Between HTAP and TaurusDB Instances
- Performance Tuning
RegionlessDB Clusters (OBT)
- What Is a RegionlessDB Cluster?
- Using a RegionlessDB Cluster for Remote Multi-Active DR
- Using a RegionlessDB Cluster for Remote DR
- Performing a Primary/Standby Switchover or Failover in a RegionlessDB Cluster
- Removing a Standby Instance from a RegionlessDB Cluster
- Deleting a RegionlessDB Cluster
- Viewing the Replication Latency and Traffic of a RegionlessDB Cluster
- Monitoring and Alarms
- Logs and Auditing
- Task Center
- Tag Management
- Quota Management
- Best Practices
- Performance White Paper
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
APIs (Recommended)
- DB Engine Version Queries
- Database Specification Queries
Instance Management
- Creating a DB Instance
- Rebooting a DB Instance
- Deleting/Unsubscribing from a DB Instance
- Creating a Read Replica
- Deleting or Unsubscribing from a Read Replica
- Scaling up Storage of a Yearly/Monthly DB Instance
- Changing a DB Instance Name
- Resetting a Database Password
- Changing DB Instance Specifications
- Querying Dedicated Resource Pools
- Querying Dedicated Resources
- Configuring the Monitoring By Seconds Function
- Querying the Configuration of Monitoring by Seconds
- Rebooting a Node
- Upgrading the Kernel Version of a DB Instance
- Enabling or Disabling SSL
- Binding an EIP
- Unbinding an EIP
- Promoting a Read Replica to Primary
- Changing a Maintenance Window
- Changing a Security Group
- Changing a Private IP Address
- Changing a Database Port
- Changing a DB Instance Description
- Applying for a Private Domain Name
- Changing a Private Domain Name
- Querying the Kernel Version
- Modifying Auto Scaling Policies
- Querying Auto Scaling Policies
- Pre-Checking Resources
- Querying DB instances
- Querying Details of a DB Instance
- Querying Details of DB Instances in Batches
- Modifying a Recycling Policy
- Querying a Recycling Policy
- Querying Instances in the Recycle Bin
- Changing Node Names in Batches
- Querying Historical Records of Auto Scaling
- Setting a Policy for a Serverless DB Instance
- Changing the Failover Priority of a Read Replica
- Querying an EIP
Backup Management
- Configuring a Same-Region Backup Policy
- Creating a Manual Backup
- Querying Full Backups
- Querying an Automated Backup Policy
- Deleting a Manual Backup
- Restoring Data to the Original Instance or an Existing Instance
- Querying the Restoration Time Range
- Enabling or Disabling Encrypted Backup
- Checking Whether Encrypted Backup Is Enabled
- Querying Incremental Backups
- Configuring a Cross-Region Backup Policy
- Restoring Tables to a Specified Point in Time
- Querying Tables for Table-level Point-in-Time Recovery
Parameter Template Management
- Querying Parameter Templates
- Creating a Parameter Template
- Deleting a Parameter Template
- Obtaining Details About a Parameter Template
- Modifying Parameters in a Parameter Template
- Applying a Parameter Template
- Replicating a Parameter Template
- Comparing Parameter Templates
- Querying Instances That a Parameter Template Can Be Applied To
- Viewing Parameter Change History
- Obtaining Parameter Information of a Specified DB Instance
- Modifying Parameters of a Specified DB Instance
- Replicating the Parameter Template of a DB Instance
- Querying Application Records of a Parameter Template
- Quota Management
Database Proxy
- Creating a Proxy Instance
- Deleting a Proxy Instance
- Querying Proxy Instances
- Querying Proxy Instance Specifications
- Adding Proxy Nodes
- Deleting Proxy Nodes
- Changing the Specifications of a Proxy Instance
- Assigning Read Weights
- Changing the Routing Policy of a Proxy Instance
- Enabling or Disabling Transaction Splitting for a Proxy Instance
- Enabling or Disabling Automatic Association of New Nodes with Proxy Instances
- Changing Session Consistency of a Proxy Instance
- Changing the Connection Pool Type of a Proxy Instance
- Changing the Port of a Proxy Instance
- Upgrading the Kernel Version of a Proxy Instance
- Modifying the Name of a Proxy Instance
- Querying Access Control Settings of a Proxy Instance
- Querying the Minor Version of a Proxy Instance
- Modifying Parameters of a Proxy Instance
- Querying Kernel Parameters of a Proxy Instance
- Enabling or Disabling Access Control
- Configuring Access Control Rules
- Enabling or Disabling SSL for a Proxy Instance
- Rebooting a Proxy Instance
Log Management
- Enabling or Disabling SQL Explorer
- Querying Whether SQL Explorer Is Enabled
- Querying Slow Query Logs
- Querying Error Logs
- Obtaining the Temporary Link for Downloading Full SQL
- Querying LTS Configurations of an Instance
- Deleting LTS Configurations in Batches
- Creating LTS Configurations in Batches
- Querying Whether Show Original Log Is Enabled
- Enabling or Disabling Show Original Log
- Querying Slow Query Log Statistics
- Obtaining Links for Downloading Slow Query Logs
- Tag Management
- Database User Management
- Database Management
- Traffic Management
- Task Center
- Intelligent Diagnosis
HTAP (Standard Edition)
- Restoring a Data Synchronization Task for a StarRocks Instance
- Stopping a Data Synchronization Task for a StarRocks Instance
- Checking Table Configurations for HTAP Data Synchronization
- Creating a StarRocks Instance
- Querying a StarRocks Instance
- Deleting a StarRocks Instance
- Rebooting a StarRocks Instance
- Rebooting a StarRocks Node
- Checking StarRocks Resources
- Querying HTAP Engine Resources
- Obtaining the Storage Type of an HTAP Instance
- Querying Specifications of an HTAP Instance
- Querying HTAP Instances
- Creating a Data Synchronization Task for a StarRocks Instance
- Deleting a Data Synchronization Task for a StarRocks Instance
- Querying Data Synchronization Tasks of a StarRocks Instance
- Checking Database Configurations for HTAP Data Synchronization
- Querying Configurations of a StarRocks Data Synchronization Task
- Querying Database Parameter Settings for StarRocks Data Synchronization
- Querying Databases of a StarRocks Instance
- Querying Database Accounts
- Creating a Database Account
- Deleting a Database Account
- Changing the Password of a Database Account
- Changing Permissions of a Database Account
- Changing the Specifications of a StarRocks Instance
- Querying Parameters
- Modifying Parameters
- Enabling Assign Requests to Row and Column Store Nodes for a StarRocks Instance
- Comparing Parameters
- Upgrading the Kernel Version of a StarRocks Instance
- Multi-tenancy
APIs (Unavailable Soon)
- DB Engine Version Queries
- Database Specification Queries
Instance Management
- Creating a DB Instance
- Querying DB Instances
- Querying DB Instances
- Deleting a DB Instance
- Querying Details of a DB Instance
- Querying Details of DB Instances in Batches
- Querying Details of a DB Instance
- Creating a Read Replica
- Deleting a Read Replica
- Scaling up Storage of a Yearly/Monthly DB Instance
- Changing a DB Instance Name
- Resetting a Database Password
- Modifying DB Instance Specifications
- Backup Management
- Parameter Template Management
- Quota Management
- Database Proxy
- Log Management
- Task Information Queries
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- SDK Reference
- Product Consulting
- Resource Freezing, Unfreezing, Release, Deletion, and Unsubscription
Database Connections
- What Should I Do If I Can't Connect to My TaurusDB Instance?
- What Should I Do If an ECS Can't Connect to a TaurusDB Instance?
- Can an External Server Access a TaurusDB Instance?
- What Is the Maximum Number of Connections to a TaurusDB Instance?
- What Do I Do If There Are Too Many Database Connections?
- Are There Any Risks If There Are Too Many Connections to a TaurusDB Instance?
- What Should I Do If the Network Connectivity Test Fails?
- Can I Access a TaurusDB Instance over an Intranet Connection Across Regions?
- How Do I Check the Connections to a TaurusDB Instance?
- How Do I Enable Availability Detection for a Connection Pool in the Service Code?
- Client Installation
- Database Migration
- Database Permissions
Database Performance
- What Should I Do If the CPU Usage of My TaurusDB Instance Is High?
- How Do I Handle Slow SQL Statements Caused by Inappropriate Composite Index Settings?
- How Do I Handle a Large Number of Temporary Tables Being Generated for Long Transactions and High Memory Usage?
- What Should I Do If Locks on Long Transactions Block the Execution of Subsequent Transactions?
- How Can I Use Temporary Disks of TaurusDB?
- What Is the CPU Usage of a TaurusDB Instance with Empty Load?
Database Usage
- Why Are the Results Inconsistent After the MATCH AGAINST Statement Is Executed, Respectively, on Primary Nods and Read Replicas?
- How Do I Add Columns Using INSTANT?
- How Do I Use LOAD DATA to Import Local Data?
- How Do I Write Data to or Create Indexes for an Ultra-large Table?
- What Are the Risks of Deleting an Index from an Ultra-large Table?
- Backups
Database Parameter Modification
- How Do I Change the Time Zone of a TaurusDB Instance?
- How Do I Configure a Password Expiration Policy for TaurusDB Instances?
- How Do I Ensure that the Database Character Set of a TaurusDB Instance Is Correct?
- How Do I Use the utf8mb4 Character Set to Store Emojis in a TaurusDB Instance?
- How Do I Set Case Sensitivity for TaurusDB Table Names?
- Can I Use SQL Commands to Modify Global Parameters of My TaurusDB Instance?
- Network Security
Log Management
- Can I Enable general_log for TaurusDB?
- How Do I View All SQL Statements Executed by TaurusDB?
- How Do I Enable and View Binlog of My TaurusDB Instance?
- How Do I Change the Binlog Retention Period?
- How Do I View Deadlock Logs of TaurusDB?
- Why Are Slow SQL Statements Displayed in Slow Query Log Monitoring, but No Information About Them Is Displayed on the Slow Query Logs Tab Page in the Logs Module?
- Version Upgrade
Backup and Restoration Issues
- Insufficient Permissions During Data Export Using mysqldump
- How Do I use mysqlbinlog to Obtain Binlog Files?
- Canal Fails to Parse Binlogs
- Precautions for Exporting Large Tables Through mysqldump
- Commands for Exporting Data Through mysqldump
- System Inaccessible After Field Addition to a Database Table
- SQL Statements Such as SET @@SESSION.SQL_LOG_BIN Displayed After You Run mysqldump
- Insufficient Privileges Reported for Canal
Connection Issues
- Login Failed After ssl_type of root Is Changed to ANY
- Failed to Connect to a DB Instance Using SSL
- Description of Each IP Address
- SSL Connection Failed Due to Inconsistent TLS Versions
- Error Message "connection established slowly"
- "Access denied" Displayed During Database Connection
- Failed to Connect to a Database Using mariadb-connector in SSL Mode
- Failed to Connect to a Database as User root
- Client Automatically Disconnected from a DB Instance
- Disconnection Occurs Every 45 Days Due to the istio-citadel Certificate Mechanism
SQL Issues
- Invalid TIMESTAMP Default Value during Table Creation
- Failed to Change the VARCHAR Length Due to the Index Length Limit
- Slow SQL Queries After a Large Amount of Data Is Deleted from a Large Table
- Error 1366 Reported When Data Containing Emojis Is Updated
- Slow Stored Procedure Execution Due to Inconsistent Collations
- ERROR [1412] Reported for a DB Instance
- Failed to Delete a Table with a Foreign Key
- Incorrect GROUP_CONCAT Results
- Error Message "Too many keys specified" Displayed When a Secondary Index Is Created
- DISTINCT and GROUP BY Optimization
- Equivalent Comparison Failures with Floating-Point Numbers
- A Large Number of SELECT Requests Routed to The Primary Instance After Database Proxy Is Enabled
- Tablespace Bloat
- ERROR 1396 Reported When a User Is Created
- Error Message Reported When alter table xxx discard/import tablespace Is Executed
- Native Error 1461 Reported by a DB Instance
- "Row size too large" Reported When a Table Failed to Be Created
- Duplicate Data Exists After ORDER BY LIMIT Is Executed
- Error Message Reported When select * from sys.innodb_lock_waits Is Executed
- Parameter-related Issues
Performance Issues
- High CPU Usage
- Out of Memory (OOM) Errors
- Tablespace Bloat
- Read Replica Uses Far More Storage Than the Primary Node
- Slow SQL Execution Due to Hot and Cold Data Problems
- Full Storage Caused by Complex Queries
- Slow Response Due to Deadlocks
- CPU Usage Increase
- CPU Resource Exhaustion Caused by Too Many Concurrent Slow Queries
Basic Issues
- How Do I View the Used Storage of My TaurusDB Instance?
- Renaming Databases and Tables
- Character Set and Collation Settings
- Auto-Increment Field Value Jump
- Starting Value and Increment of AUTO_INCREMENT
- Changing the AUTO_INCREMENT Value of a Table
- Failed to Insert Data Because Values for the Auto-increment Primary Key Field Reach the Upper Limit
- Auto-increment Field Values
- AUTO_INCREMENT Not Displayed in the Table Structure
- Impact of Creating an Empty Username
- No Scanned Rows Recorded in Slow Query Logs
- "handle_sync_msg_from_slave my_net_read error:-1" Displayed on the Error Logs Tab Page
- ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --sql-replica-on option so it cannot execute this statement
Backup and Restoration Issues
- Videos
- General Reference
Pay-per-Use Billing
Pay-per-use billing means you pay nothing up front and are not tied into any contract or commitment. This section describes the billing rules of pay-per-use DB instances.
Application Scenarios
Pay-per-use billing is good for short-term, bursty, or unpredictable workloads that cannot tolerate any interruptions, such as applications for e-commerce flash sales, temporary testing, and scientific computing.
Billed Items
You are billed for the following items on a pay-per-use basis.
Billed Item |
Description |
Billing Factor |
Billing Formula |
(Mandatory) DB instance |
Instance specifications include vCPUs, memory, and the number of nodes. |
vCPUs, memory, and number of nodes Instance types of different specifications provide different compute and storage. |
Specifications unit price x Required duration x Number of nodes For details about the unit price, see "Specification Price" in TaurusDB Pricing Details. |
(Mandatory) Storage |
Purchased storage in advance is billed at a yearly/monthly basis. |
Storage space, which is billed based on the unified standard |
Storage space unit price x Storage space x Required duration For details about the unit price, see "Storage Space Price" in TaurusDB Pricing Details. |
(Mandatory) Backup space |
After the free backup space is used up, charges are applied based on the backup space pricing details. Pricing is listed on a per-hour basis, but bills are calculated based on the actual usage duration. |
Backup space, which is billed based on the unified standard |
Backup space unit price x Billed backup space x Billed duration For details about the unit price, see "Backup Storage Price" in TaurusDB Pricing Details. The billed duration refers to the length of time the billed backup space was used for. |
(Optional) EIP bandwidth |
Bandwidth, traffic, and EIP reservation (An EIP is required if a DB instance needs to access the Internet.) EIP for a pay-per-use DB instance: billed by bandwidth, traffic, or shared bandwidth. You are also billed for IP reservation if you do not bind the EIP to any instance. |
Billed by fixed bandwidth For details about the unit price, see "By Bandwidth" in EIP Pricing Details. |
(Optional) Monitoring by Seconds |
TaurusDB provides monitoring every 60 seconds for free, but you are billed for Monitoring by Seconds. Its pricing is listed on a per-hour basis, but bills are calculated based on the actual usage duration. |
Monitoring frequency, which is billed based on the unified standard |
Unit price of Monitoring by Seconds x Billed duration For details about the unit price, see Configuring Monitoring by Seconds. Billed duration: 1s or 5s (If Monitoring by Seconds is enabled, the monitoring interval can be set to 1s or 5s.) |
(Optional) HTAP instance |
Standard HTAP instances are in OBT and are free. |
N/A |
N/A |
(Optional) Cross-region backup |
If cross-region backup is enabled, you will be billed for backup space and network traffic required for dumping cross-region backups. |
Backup space and network traffic required for dumping cross-region backups |
For details, see TaurusDB Cross-Region Backup Billed Items. |
(Optional) Proxy instance |
Proxy instances are free. |
N/A |
N/A |
(Optional) DRS migration |
If you use Data Replication Service (DRS) for data migration, you will be billed based on the DRS pricing standard. |
For details, see DRS Billing. |
For details, see DRS Billing. |
If you want to purchase a DB instance with 2 vCPUs, 8 GB of memory, and 2 nodes, the prices will be displayed as follows (excluding storage and backup space prices).

The prices include:
Instance specifications (including vCPUs and memory)
The storage and backup space prices are not included. For details about storage and backup prices, see the Product Pricing Details page of the price calculator.
Billed Usage Period
Pay-per-use DB instance usage is calculated by the second and billed every hour. The billing starts when the DB instance is launched and ends when the DB instance is deleted.
It takes a certain time to create a DB instance. The billing starts from the Completed time on the Instant Tasks page in the task center.
For example, if you purchased a pay-per-use DB instance at 8:45:30 and deleted it at 8:55:30, you were billed for the 600 seconds from 8:45:30 to 8:55:30.
Billing Examples
Suppose you purchased a pay-per-use DB instance (2 vCPUs | 8 GB and 2 nodes) at 10:00:30 on April 18, 2023 and deleted the DB instance at 10:45:46 on the same day. The DB instance used 20 GB storage and 50 GB backup space.
- From 10:00:30 to 10:35:00, the backup space was free. From 10:35:00 to 10:45:46, the backup space was billed for 646 seconds.
- From 10:10:00 to 10:45:46, 1-second monitoring was billed for 2,146 seconds.
You are billed for all usage periods. TaurusDB resources are billed individually as described in Table 2. The prices displayed in the pricing details are per hour, so you need to divide it by 3,600 to obtain the price for each second and then multiple the per-second price by the total number of seconds.
Billed Item |
Formula |
Unit Price |
Instance specifications (vCPUs and memory) |
Specifications unit price x Required duration x Number of nodes |
See "Specification Price" in TaurusDB Pricing Details. |
Storage space |
Storage space unit price x Required duration x Storage (GB) |
See "Storage Space Price" in TaurusDB Pricing Details. |
Backup space |
Backup space unit price x Billed duration x (Backup space – Storage space) (GB) The billed duration refers to the length of time the billed backup space was used for. |
See "Backup Storage Price" in TaurusDB Pricing Details. |
EIP bandwidth |
Billed by fixed bandwidth If your pay-per-use EIP has no instance bound, you will be billed for the EIP reservation price. |
See EIP Pricing Details. |
Enabling Monitoring by Seconds |
Unit price of Monitoring by Seconds x Billed duration |
Figure 2 shows the billing calculation.
When you delete a DB instance, its automated backups are also deleted, but its manual backups are still retained and will incur additional costs.
The prices in the figure are for reference only. The actual prices are subject to TaurusDB Pricing Details.
However, the amount due is truncated to the 2nd decimal place. The third and later decimal places are referred to as the truncated amounts.
Price Change After Specification Change
If you change the instance specifications of a pay-per-use DB instance, the original order will become invalid and a new order will be placed. You will be billed based on the new instance specifications.
If you change the instance specifications within a given hour, multiple records will be generated. Different records record the billing for different instance specifications.
Suppose you purchased a pay-per-use DB instance (2 vCPUs | 8 GB) at 9:00:00 and changed the instance specifications to 4 vCPUs | 16 GB at 9:30:00. Two billing records were generated from 9:00:00 to 10:00:00.
- DB instance (2 vCPUs | 8 GB) usage from 9:00:00 to 9:30:00
- DB instance (4 vCPUs | 16 GB) usage from 9:30:00 to 10:00:00
Impacts of Arrears
Figure 3 shows the statuses a pay-per-use DB instance can have throughout its lifecycle. After a DB instance is purchased, it enters the valid period and runs normally during this period. If your account goes into arrears, the DB instance enters a grace period and then a retention period.
Arrears Reminder
The system will bill you for pay-per-use DB instances after each billing cycle ends. If your account goes into arrears, we will notify you by email, SMS, or in-app message.
Impacts of Arrears
If your account is insufficient to pay your amount due, your account goes into arrears, and the pay-per-use DB instance enters the grace period. You are still responsible for expenditures generated during the grace period. You can view the charges on the Billing > Overview page and pay any past due balance as needed.
If you do not bring your account balance current before the grace period expires, the DB instance status turns to Frozen and it enters a retention period. You cannot perform any operations on a pay-per-use DB instance in the Frozen status.
If you do not bring your account balance current before the retention period ends, your instance will be released, and data cannot be restored.
- During the retention period, you cannot access and use your DB instance but data in the DB instance will be retained. The retention period for Huawei Cloud International website is 15 days.
- During the grace period, you can access and use only some resources of your DB instance. The grace period for Huawei Cloud International website is 15 days.
- For details about top-up, see Topping Up an Account.
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