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Changing the Domain Administrator Password

Updated on 2023-12-04 GMT+08:00


In a scenario where the exiting AD domain is used, to ensure system security, the domain administrator password needs to be changed periodically. You are advised to change the password every three months. You can change the password on the Workspace console.


If the enterprise uses an existing AD domain, the period for changing the domain administrator password depends on the preset password policy. Change the domain administrator password on the AD server first, and then perform the following operations.


An AD domain has been configured.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click Tenant Configuration.

    The Tenant Configuration page is displayed.

  3. Click Change Password

    The Change Password dialog box is displayed.

  4. Set the password.

    • Enter a new password.
    • Confirm the password.
      • A password must be a string of 8 to 64 characters.
      • A password must contain at least two types of the following characters: letters, digits, and special characters (`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\|[{}];:'",<.>/? or space).
      • A password should be different from the username or the username spelled backwards.
      • The password must start with a letter.

  5. Click OK.




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