Threat Situation Screen

Updated on 2025-02-07 GMT+08:00


There are always such scenarios as presentation, reporting, or real-time monitoring where you need to present the analysis results of SecMaster on big screens to achieve better demonstration effect. It is not ideal to just zoom in the console. Now, SecMaster Large Screen is a good choice for you to display the service console on bigger screens for a better visual effect.

By default, SecMaster provides a threat situation screen, which shows how many network attacks, application-layer attacks, and server-layer attacks against your assets over the last seven days.


You have enabled Large Screen. For details, see Purchasing Value-Added Packages.

Viewing the Threat Situation Screen

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region or project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Security & Compliance > SecMaster.
  4. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Workspaces > Management. In the workspace list, click the name of the target workspace.

    Figure 1 Workspace management page

  5. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Security Situation > Large Screen.

    Figure 2 Large Screen

  6. Click Play in the lower right corner of the Threat Situation image to access the screen.

    This screen includes many graphs. More details are provided below.

Threat Situation screen

This area displays the number of attacks by types, including network, application, and server attacks.

Table 1 Threat Situation screen


Statistical Period

Update Frequency


Network Attacks


Last 7 days


The number of attacks against EIPs in the last seven days.

Last Week

Difference between the number of attacks against EIPs for the current 7-day statistical cycle and that for the previous 7-day statistical cycle.

Application Attacks


Last 7 days


The number of attacks against protected websites in the last seven days.

Last Week

Difference between the number of attacks against websites for the current 7-day statistical cycle and that for the previous 7-day statistical cycle.

Server Attacks


Last 7 days


The number of attacks against protected ECSs in the last seven days.

Last Week

Difference between the number of attacks against ECSs for the current 7-day statistical cycle and that for the previous 7-day statistical cycle.

Figure 3 Threat Situation screen

Attack Source Distribution

This graph displays the five attack sources who launched the most attacks against the network and application layers. You will see attacked asset details, including IP addresses, departments, and quantity.

Table 2 Attack source distribution


Statistical Period

Update Frequency


Top 5 Source IP Addresses by Network Alerts

Last 7 days


The five sources that have launched the most attacks against EIPs for the last seven days, displayed in a descending order by attack quantity.

Top 5 Source IP Addresses by Application Alerts

Last 7 days


The five sources that have launched the most attacks against websites for the last seven days, displayed in a descending order by attack quantity.

Figure 4 Attack source distribution

Attacks by Type

This graph shows top 5 network attack types, top 5 application attack types, and server attack types.

Table 3 Attacks by Type


Statistical Period

Update Frequency


Top 5 Network Attack Types

Last 7 days


The five attack types with the most attacks against EIPs detected for the last seven days, displayed in a descending order by attack quantity.

If there is no network attack or no corresponding data table, the default types with zero attacks are displayed.

Top 5 Application Attack Types

Last 7 days


The five attack types with the most attacks against websites detected for the last seven days, displayed in a descending order by attack quantity.

If there is no application attack or no corresponding data table, the default types with zero attacks are displayed.

Top 5 Server Attack Types

Last 7 days


The five attack types with the most attacks against ECSs detected for the last seven days, displayed in a descending order by attack quantity.

If there is no ECS attack or no corresponding data table, the default types with zero attacks are displayed.

The asset statistics come from the Threat Operations > Alerts page in SecMaster.

Figure 5 Attack type distribution

Threat Situation Statistics

This graph shows the statistics about alerts, logs, and threat detection models in the current account.

Table 4 Threat Situation Statistics


Statistical Period

Update Frequency


Alert Statistics


Last 7 days


Total number of network, application, and server access logs for the last seven days.


Total number of threats identified for protected networks, applications, and servers for the last seven days.


This number reflects alerts generated for the last seven days based on attack logs. The data comes from the Threat Operations > Alerts page.


This number reflects incidents that are converted from alerts for the last seven days. The data comes from the Threat Operations > Incidents page.

Log Analysis

Log volume

Last 7 days


Total volume of network, application, and server access logs for the last seven days, in MB.


Difference between the total volume of network, application, and server access logs for the current 7-day statistical cycle and that for the previous 7-day statistical cycle.

Calculation method: [(Number of logs for the current statistical cycle – Number of logs for the previous statistical cycle)/Number of logs for the previous statistical cycle] x 100%.

Statistical trend chart

Total volume of network, application, and server access logs for the last seven days, in MB.

Threats by Model




Number of existing models in Threat Operations > Intelligent Modeling.

Statistical table

Last 7 days


Number of threats detected by each type of threat detection model.

If there is no threat detection model, four default types with zero threats detected are displayed.

Figure 6 Threat situation statistics




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