Configuring Account Settings
This section describes the operations in All Account Settings, including setting project templates, setting project creators, and managing projects and members.
Accessing Account Settings
Hover over the account name in the upper right corner and click
.Carefully read the instructions displayed on the page before performing
.Project Template
You can modify the customized templates for you to choose when creating a Scrum project. You can also replicate, delete, or create a project based on the templates. For details, see Customizing a Template.
Setting a Project Creator
You can assign permissions for creating projects to any members.
- On the All Account Settings page, choose .
By default, Only some members can create projects. (Enterprise administrators can create projects regardless of this setting) is selected by default.
- In the list of Project Creators, turn off the toggle in the Status column to remove the project creation permissions of a user.
When Status is disabled for a user, the user cannot create a project.
Managing Projects and Members
You can view and modify the joined projects and projects that are not joined. You can also view and delete the project members.
- On the All Account Settings page, choose .
The Unjoined Projects tab is displayed by default when accessing the page of Projects and Members.
- Select the target projects and click Join Project in the Projects and Members.
Newly added projects will be displayed on the Joined Projects tab page.
- On the Joined Projects tab page, click in the row that contains the target project to delete it.
- Click the Project Members tab page to view members in all projects. Click in the row that contains the target members to delete them.
Deleted members cannot access the corresponding project.
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