Updated on 2024-03-21 GMT+08:00


Forecasting Accuracy

Forecasting is based on your historical costs and usage on Huawei Cloud. To monitor your budgets, you can enable forecasting to estimate your future costs and usage, and then configure budget alerts based on the forecasts produced. As forecasts are only a best guess estimate of future costs, the forecasted billing amounts may differ from your actual expenditures for each billing cycle.

Forecasts can vary in accuracy. Different ranges of accuracy have different prediction intervals. Huawei Cloud Cost Center provides a prediction interval of 80% for forecasts, indicating that 80% of your actual costs should fall within the prediction interval. The prediction interval depends on the volatility or fluctuation of your historical expenditures. The more consistent and predictable the historical expenditures, the narrower the prediction interval.

Forecasting Method

Cost Center uses an AI algorithm for cost forecasting based on the historical expenditures. If there is not enough historical data, forecasts cannot be produced.
  • To view the forecast data by the day, the cost data of at least the last 30 days must be available.
  • To view the forecast data by the month, the cost data of at least the last three months must be available.

Cost forecasting for an enterprise master account does not take into account any future changes that may be caused by the association or disassociation of member accounts.


Forecasts do not take into account any future changes due to refunds, account adjustments, or disassociation of member accounts from an enterprise master account.

If there are historical pay-per-use expenditures for less than the last three months, forecasts cannot be produced for these expenditures.

If yearly/monthly subscriptions expire, forecasts cannot be produced for these subscriptions.

Forecasts grouped by given dimensions can only be viewed in stacked charts.

Forecasts are produced based on the historical data you specified. Daily forecasts currently do not take into account periodicity (such as renewals) and may be different from the actual data in the forecast period covered. They are for reference only.