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Help Center/ Cost Center/ User Guide/ Cost Optimization/ Overview of Cost Optimization

Overview of Cost Optimization

Updated on 2025-02-25 GMT+08:00

Cost Center provides you with a set of tools to optimize the usage of certain cloud resources to help you reduce costs.

Viewing Cost Optimization Summary

You can view all cost optimization recommendations and follow them as needed.

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Optimization > Summary.
  3. View the summary of all cost optimization recommendations.



    Data Scope

    You can filter cost optimization recommendations by enterprise project or linked account. When unified accounting management is enabled, an enterprise master account can view the optimization recommendations for all its associated member accounts, but the member accounts can only view the recommendations for their own resources.


    An enterprise master account can select enterprise projects by linked account, except the default enterprise project and those not categorized.

    Cost optimization opportunities

    You can view the total number of opportunities, including those for resource optimization and billing mode changes.

    • Resource optimization consists of:
      • Optimizing idle EIPs
      • Optimizing idle EVS disks
      • Optimizing idle load balancers
    • Billing mode changes include:
      • Changing from pay-per-use to yearly/monthly for all cloud services

    Applicable resources

    Total number of resources to be optimized.

    Estimated monthly savings

    Estimated costs that can be saved when all optimization recommendations are adopted.

  4. View the details about cost optimization in a graph or list.

    You can click View Details in the Operation column to view the details about resources identified in a specific cost optimization opportunity.



    Optimizing idle EIPs

    Optimizing EVS, EIP, and ELB Resources

    Optimizing idle EVS disks

    Optimizing EVS, EIP, and ELB Resources

    Optimizing idle load balancers

    Optimizing EVS, EIP, and ELB Resources

    Changing from pay-per-use to yearly/monthly for all cloud services

    Changing Pay-per-Use to Yearly/Monthly

Subscribing to Cost Optimization

When you toggle on Subscribe, you will receive cost optimization recommendations based on the schedule you configure.

Before you enable this function, configure notification methods for Cost Management in Message Center.

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Optimization > Summary.
  3. Turn on the toggle Subscribe in the upper right corner of the displayed page.

  4. Set the subscription frequency and date, and specify recipients.

  5. Receive a summary of cost optimization recommendations from Cost Center on the date you scheduled.

Exporting Cost Optimization Recommendations

You can export all cost optimization recommendations and determine whether to adopt the recommendations based on your site requirements.

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Optimization > Summary.
  3. Click Export Recommendations in the upper right corner of the page.
  4. Select the optimization recommendations to export and click OK.

  5. Go to the Export History page to download the exported file.




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