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Help Center/ Cost Center/ User Guide/ Cost Optimization/ Rightsizing Resources/ Optimizing EVS, EIP, and ELB Resources

Optimizing EVS, EIP, and ELB Resources

Updated on 2025-02-25 GMT+08:00


Contributory Factors in Estimated Monthly Savings

Estimated Monthly Savings are calculated by multiplying hourly amortized cost by 730. The estimation may be inaccurate in the following situations:

  • There are resources whose validity period is less than one day in the historical time range. (The estimation is calculated based on historical daily expenditures.)
  • The commercial discounts have changed. (The estimation is calculated based on the amount due with historical commercial discounts applied.)
  • Yearly/monthly subscriptions are not renewed. (The estimation is calculated based on the assumption that yearly/monthly subscriptions will be renewed.)
  • Resources are unsubscribed from based on the optimization recommendations. (The estimation does not take into account the impact of handling fees and coupons.)

Step 1: Enabling OA

Before you start, sign up for a HUAWEI ID and enable Huawei Cloud services. For details, see Signing Up.

  1. Log in to the Huawei Cloud management console.
  2. In the service list, choose Management & Governance > Optimization Advisor.
  3. Select I have read and agree to the Optimization Advisor Service Statement and click OK.
  4. Select Access to Cloud Resources and Access to Check Result, and click OK.

Step 2: Enabling Auto Check in OA

After you subscribe to OA reports, Cost Center can periodically obtain resource inspection data from OA and generate cost optimization recommendations.

As Cost Center obtains resource inspection data from OA based on the frequency you set, you are advised to set Frequency to All.

You will periodically receive inspection data from OA. For details about cost optimization recommendations, see Step 3: Viewing Applicable Resources.

Step 3: Viewing Applicable Resources

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Optimization > Summary. In the displayed table, click View Details for Optimize idle EIPs, Optimize idle EVS disks, or Optimize idle load balancers.

  3. View the list of applicable resources and optimize them based on the optimization recommendations.



    Estimated Monthly Savings

    Total estimated monthly savings for all applicable resources.

    Applicable Resources

    Total number of applicable resources.

    Last Updated

    Latest time when optimization recommendations are collected. After OA is enabled, your resource optimization recommendations are updated at 17:00 every day.

    Resource Name/ID

    Name and ID of an applicable resource.


    When you switch from a specific cost optimization recommendation to cost analysis, you may see a different resource name. This is because you have modified the resource name and it will take about 24 hours for the new name to be displayed.

    Linked Account

    Account that is using the applicable resource. In unified accounting management, an enterprise master account can view the resource optimization recommendations for all its associated member accounts, and the member accounts can only view the recommendations for their own resources.

    Enterprise Project

    Enterprise project to which the applicable resource belongs.


    Tag attached to the applicable resource.

    Billing Mode

    Billing mode of the applicable resource.


    Region where the applicable resource is used.

    Monthly Amortized Costs

    Monthly amortized costs over the last 30 days in the current billing mode and for the current linked accounts. You can click the cost data hyperlink to go to the Cost Analysis page to view the amortized costs over the past 30 days.

    The monthly amortized costs are calculated on a daily basis. The amortized cost for the day the billing mode was changed is recorded for the new billing mode.

    Suppose the billing mode was yearly/monthly for the first five days of the last 30 days, and the billing mode was changed to pay-per-use on the sixth day and has been used for the remaining days. In this case, only the cost data of the sixth to thirtieth days is used to calculate the monthly amortized costs.

    Estimated Monthly Savings

    An estimation of how much you will save after cost optimization recommendations are applied. If the recommendation is to release or delete resources, the estimated monthly saving will equal the estimated monthly expenditure.

    Estimated Monthly Expenditure

    An estimation of how much you will pay for the current resource per month. Estimated Monthly Expenditure = Monthly amortized cost/Time Range/24 x 730

    • Time Range refers to the number of days during which the resource is using the new billing mode over the last 30 days.
    • The estimated monthly expenditure may have slight discrepancies in precision due to amortization calculation.
    • 730 is used as the default number of hours per month.

    Service Type

    Type of the service to which the applicable resource belongs.

    Resource Type

    Product to which the applicable resource belongs.

Step 4: Viewing Optimization Recommendations

Release or delete resources following the instructions based on the site requirements.

For example, when idle load balancers are identified, you can release them if they are no longer needed.





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