- What's New
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- User Guide
Template Reference
- Resource Formation Service
Application Orchestration Service
- Template Introduction
List of Elements
- Resource Indexes
- AntiDDos.Service
- AOS.Batch
- AOS.Stack
- APIG.ApiGroup
- APIG.Throttle
- APM.AutoScaler
- APM.Pinpoint
- CCE.Addon.AutoScaler
- CCE.Cluster
- CCE.ConfigMap
- CCE.DaemonSet
- CCE.Deployment
- CCE.HelmRelease
- CCE.Ingress
- CCE.Job
- CCE.NodePool
- CCE.Pod
- CCE.Secret
- CCE.Service
- CCE.StatefulSet
- CCE.Storage.EVS
- CCE.Storage.OBS
- CCE.Storage.SFS
- CCI.ConfigMap
- CCI.Deployment
- CCI.Ingress
- CCI.Job
- CCI.Namespace
- CCI.Secret
- CCI.Service
- CCI.StatefulSet
- CCI.Storage.EVS
- CCI.Storage.SFS
- CDN.Cache
- CDN.Domain
- CDN.Host
- CDN.Https
- CDN.PreheatJob
- CDN.Referer
- CDN.RefreshJob
- CDN.Source
- DBSS.Instance
- DCS.Redis
- DDS.CommunityReplicaSetOrSingle
- DIS.Stream
- ECS.CloudServer
- ECS.ServerGroup
- ECS.KeyPair
- EVS.NonSharedVolume
- EVS.SharedVolume
- FGS.ApigEventMap
- FGS.CtsEventMap
- FGS.DisEventMap
- FGS.DmsEventMap
- FGS.Function
- FGS.LtsEventMap
- FGS.ObsEventMap
- FGS.TimerEventMap
- FGS.SmnEventMap
- HSS.Instance
- IAM.Agency
- IAM.UserGroup
- MRS.Cluster
- NAT.Instance
- NAT.SNatRule
- OBS.Bucket
- RDS.MySQL.DataBase
- RDS.MySQL.User
- RDS.PostgreSQL
- SCM.Cert
- ServiceStage.Agent
- ServiceStage.AppGroup
- ServiceStage.ContainerComponent
- ServiceStage.Job
- ServiceStage.StatefulApplication
- ServiceStage.StatelessApplication
- SFS.FileSystem
- SMN.Subscription
- SMN.Topic
- ULB.Healthmonitor
- ULB.Listener
- ULB.LoadBalancer
- ULB.Member
- ULB.Pool
- VPCEndpoint.Endpoint
- VPCEndpoint.EndpointService
- VPC.FirewallGroup
- VPC.FirewallPolicy.Egress
- VPC.FirewallPolicy.Ingress
- VPC.FirewallRule
- VPC.SecurityGroup
- VPC.SecurityGroupRule
- VPC.Subnet
- VSS.WebScan
- WAF.service
Data Structure
- AOS.BatchItem
- APIG.BackendApi
- APIG.FuncInfo
- APIG.MockInfo
- APM.AutoscalerAction
- APM.AutoscalerActionParameters
- APM.AutoscalerCondition
- APM.AutoscalerRule
- Basic.KeyValuePair
- Basic.Label
- Basic.LabelSelector
- Basic.NameAndSecretValue
- Basic.NameKeyPair
- Basic.NameValuePair
- CCE.Addon.AutoScaler.Node
- CCE.DataVolume
- CCE.HelmChart
- CCE.Labels
- CCE.NodePool
- CCE.PublicIP
- CCI.Network
- CDN.Source
- CDN.CacheRule
- DCS.InstanceBackupPolicy
- DCS.PeriodicalBackupPlan
- DDS.BackupStrategy
- DDS.CommunityReplicaSetOrSingleMode.Flavor
- DDS.DDSCommunity.DataStore
- DDS.DDSCommunityReplicaOrSingle.Flavor
- ECS.DataVolume
- ECS.ExtendParam
- ECS.MountedVolumes
- ECS.Personality
- ECS.PublicIP
- ECS.RootVolume
- ECS.SecurityGroup
- ECS.ServerTags
- ECS.VolumeExtendParam
- EVS.Metadata
- FGS.Environment
- FGS.OBSFilter
- FGS.VpcConfig
- IAM.Agency.Role
- K8S.PodSecurityContext
- K8S.SecurityContext.SeLinuxOptions
- MRS.BootstrapScripts
- MRS.Components
- MRS.TaskNodeGroups
- MRS.Tags
- MySQL.DBUser
- MySQL.DBLinkedUser
- MySQL.DataBase
- MySQL.DataStore
- MySQL.UserDatabase
- PostgreSQL.DataStore
- RDS.BackupStrategy
- RDS.HA.Mysql
- RDS.HA.PostgreSQL
- RDS.Volume
- ULB.StickySession
- VPCEndpoint.Ports
- VPC.BandWidth
- VPC.PublicIP
- VSS.Resource
- WAF.Bandwidth
- WAF.Domain
- WAF.Service
- Appendix
API Reference
- Before You Start
Resource Formation APIs
- Calling APIs
- Listing Events of a Stack
- Obtaining Stack Metadata
- Listing Stacks
- Creating a Stack
- Obtaining a Stack Template
- Listing Stack Resources
- Listing Stack Outputs
- Continuing to Deploy a Stack
- Deploying a Stack
- Deleting a Stack
- Updating a Stack
- Deleting a Stack with Conditions
- Continuing to Roll Back a Stack
- Execution Plans
- Template Analysis
- Template Management
- Application Orchestration APIs
- Appendix
- FAQs
Element Description
The CCI.StatefulSet element is used to create a StatefulSet.
Element Properties
Property |
Required |
Descripiton |
k8sManifest |
Yes |
Native manifest of the StatefulSet object of the Kubernetes Type: dict Value Description: This field can be customized. You are advised to use a public image (uploading an image to SWR and setting the image type to public). When updating the image, do not change the name and labels under metadata. If replicas under spec is specified using a get_input function, set type to integer. Value Constraint: This field cannot be empty. Suggestion: Customize the value. For details, visit https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/stateful-application/basic-stateful-set/. |
namespace |
Yes |
Namespace in a cluster where a resource is located Type: HuaweiCloud.CCI.Namespace.Name Value Description: Must be a valid namespace in the cluster, for example, default. Value Constraint: The value must start with a letter. Only lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens (-) are allowed. Suggestion: Log in to the CCI console. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Namespaces. View and select the target namespace. |
Relationships Between Elements
Description |
Target |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
DependsOn |
ContainedIn |
Return Value
Property |
Type |
Description |
refName |
string |
Name of a stateful service |
refLabelsApp |
string |
Name of label app |
Blueprint Example
tosca_definitions_version: huaweicloud_tosca_version_1_0 inputs: cciss1pe_namespace: description: Namespace in a cluster where a resource is located label: '' node_templates: cciss1pe: type: HuaweiCloud.CCI.StatefulSet properties: k8sManifest: kind: StatefulSet spec: replicas: 1 serviceName: statefulsettest3 template: spec: imagePullSecrets: - name: default-secret containers: - image: 'nginx:stable-alpine-perl' name: ll-test resources: requests: cpu: 4 memory: 8Gi limits: cpu: 4 memory: 8Gi metadata: labels: app: ll-test selector: matchLabels: app: ll-test apiVersion: 'apps/v1' metadata: labels: app: ll-test name: statefulsettest3 namespace: get_input: cciss1pe_namespace
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