Help Center/ Workspace/ Getting Started/ Purchasing a Desktop/ Purchasing Pay-per-Use Desktops

Purchasing Pay-per-Use Desktops

Updated on 2023-12-05 GMT+08:00


An administrator can select the pay-per-use billing mode and packages, and assign desktops to end users. After the administrator purchases a desktop, the system automatically sends a notification email to the user's mailbox.

Purchase Page

  1. Logging In to the Workspace Console
  2. On the Dashboard or Desktop Management page, click Buy Desktop.

    The page for buying desktops is displayed.

Selecting Whether to Connect to the Windows AD


After you purchase a desktop for the first time, your selection (connecting to the Windows AD domain or canceling the connection to the Windows AD domain) cannot be changed. Exercise caution when performing this operation.

  • If you select No, you can directly configure the desktop infrastructure by referring to Basic Configurations. After the desktop creation task is submitted, the Workspace service will be deployed.

    After subscribing to the service, you can use the account authentication system of Huawei to authenticate users and manage user accounts on the Workspace console.

  • Select Yes to configure the Windows AD domain. For details, see Connecting to the Windows AD Domain. After the configuration information is saved, the Workspace service will be deployed.

    After the service is subscribed, the existing unified AD of the enterprise is used to authenticate users and manage user accounts.

Basic Configurations

  1. Configure desktop information, as described in Table 2 Basic configurations.

    Table 1 Basic configurations



    Example Value

    Billing Mode

    Select Pay-per-use.



    Desktops in different regions cannot communicate with each other over the intranet, and desktops need to be managed by region. You are advised to create desktops in the same region.


    A region is the location of the physical data center of Workspace. Different regions indicate different physical distances between the physical data center and users, as well as different network latency. To reduce latency and improve access speed, select the region closest to your workloads.



    Select a project as required.


    If no target project is available, click and choose Create Project. The page for creating a project is displayed. Create a project by referring to Creating a Project.



    An AZ is a physical region where resources use independent power supplies and networks. AZs are physically isolated but connected through an intranet. If an AZ becomes faulty, other AZs in the same region will not be affected.


    To achieve better disaster recovery, you are advised to create desktops in different AZs.



    CPU Architecture

    Select x86.


    Package Type

    Select specifications as required.


    Ultimate | 2 vCPUs | 4 GB

  2. Configure an image.

    • Image Type: Select an image type as required.
      • A public image is a widely used standard image provided by Workspace. It contains an OS and pre-installed public applications and is visible to all users. Public images are very stable and their OS and any included software have been officially authorized for use. If a public image does not contain the application environments or software you need, you can use a public image to create an application environment and then deploy required software. Currently, Windows public images are marketplace images.
      • A private image is created based on an existing cloud desktop or external image file and is visible only to the user who created it. It contains an OS, preinstalled public applications, and the user's personal applications. Using a private image to create a desktop saves more time.
      • The pay-per-use desktop supports public images running Windows, private images converted from desktops generated using Windows images, and private images converted from ECSs created using Windows image files. To use a private image to purchase a desktop, see Converting a Desktop to an Image and Creating a Windows Desktop Private Image.
    • OS: Select a Windows OS type in the supported OS list.

  3. Configure disks as required, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1 Configuring disks
    • For details about the disk type performance, see EVS Product Introduction.
      • High I/O disks use serial attached SCSI (SAS) drives to store data.
      • Ultra-high I/O disks use solid state disk (SSD) drives to store data.
      • General purpose SSD disks use SSD drives to store data.
    • After the desktop is created, you will be billed for the disk until the desktop is deleted.
    • The disk size must be an integer multiple of 10.
    • A maximum of 10 data disks can be configured.

  4. Click Next: Configure advanced settings.

    The page for configuring advanced settings is displayed.

Advanced Settings

  1. (Optional) Configure an enterprise ID.

    You are advised to use identifiable fields such as the enterprise name pinyin as the enterprise ID.
    • Customize an enterprise ID or use a randomly-generated ID upon the first purchase.
    • Enterprise ID is the unique identifier of your tenant environment. End users need to enter the enterprise ID when logging in to the system.
    • The enterprise ID contains a maximum of 32 characters, which can only be digits and letters.

  2. Configure the network.

    Figure 2 Configuring the network

    The 172 network segment is reserved for running internal services. Therefore, do not select a VPC network starting with 172. Otherwise, desktops cannot be purchased.

    The resources required by Workspace will be created in the selected VPC subnet. After the desktop is purchased for the first time, the VPC cannot be modified, and only the service subnet can be managed.

    • Configure the existing network.

      Click and select a service subnet. If you purchase a desktop for the first time, you need to select a VPC and a service subnet. For details about how to create a VPC and a service subnet, see Creating a VPC and a Service Subnet.

    • Configure a new network.
      • Click Click here to manage subnets. In the displayed Modify the service subnet dialog box, click Create on Console to create a service subnet. For details, see Creating a Service Subnet for the VPC.
      • If you purchase a desktop for the first time, click Create on Console to create a VPC and a service subnet. For details, see Creating a VPC and a Service Subnet.
      • Click and configure the IP address type as required.
        • Automatically assign an IP address.
        • Manually assign an IP address.
        • Use an existing elastic network interface.

  3. Configure the network access mode, as shown in Figure 3. By default, Internet is selected. You can select multiple options.

    Figure 3 Network access
    • Internet access is sufficient for most networking requirements, but if you need a faster, more secure connection, purchase Direct Connect in advance and implement networking. Learn more about Direct Connect, load balancers will be automatically created when Direct Connect access is enabled. (Do not modify the load balancers.)
    • Direct Connect network segment configuration: Enter the network segment where the desktop client (such as TC) is located. You can enter multiple network segments and separate them with semicolons (;).

  4. Configure an EIP for network access.

    • Buy now
      • By Bandwidth: applicable when the traffic is heavy or stable and the bandwidth ranges from 1 Mbit/s to 200 Mbit/s. You can customize the bandwidth as prompted.

        Specify the bandwidth upper limit. You are charged based on the actual outbound traffic, regardless of the usage duration.

      • By Traffic: applicable when the traffic is small or fluctuates greatly and the bandwidth size ranges from 5 Mbit/s to 200 Mbit/s. You can customize the bandwidth as prompted.

        You are charged based on the purchased duration and bandwidth size.

    • Use existing: Bind an existing EIP to the desktop.
    • Not required: To enable desktop Internet access, go to Internet Access Management on the Workspace console.

  5. Click Next:Assign desktops.

    The page for assigning desktops is displayed.

Assigning Desktops

  1. Select the user import mode and configure information of the user to whom a desktop is to be assigned.


    If an existing AD domain is used, you need to create users on the AD server before assigning desktops.

    Select Manual or Batch as required, as shown in Table 2.

    Table 2 Desktop assignment

    User Authorization Mode



    Desktop Assignment Type

    • Manually

    Select Select User or Create User.

    • Batch
    1. Select Batch.
    2. Locate the row that contains Import User List, and click Download a user list template.
    3. Enter the serial number, username, permission group, and desktop name in the table as required.
    4. Click Upload to upload the user list that has been filled in as required.

    The size of the file to be uploaded cannot exceed 1 MB. The username and desktop name must be different.

    • Not assigned
      • If you purchase one desktop, the desktop name is the name of the desktop.
      • When multiple desktops are purchased, the desktop name prefix is used to generate desktop names in ascending order. For example, if the prefix is desktop and you create three desktops, the names of the created desktops are desktop01, desktop02, and desktop03.
      • To assign a desktop to a user, select the desired desktop on the desktop management page and choose More > Assign users.

    1. Select Not assigned.

    2. Enter the name of the desktop that is not assigned to a user based on site requirements.

    User Authorization

    When selecting users, you can search for activated users by setting filter criteria.

    • You can search for a user/group based on the user/group name.
    • Select the target username and click OK.

    Create user > User Activation > Manual Input

    • Username is used for user authentication during desktop login.

      Rules for naming a username:

      • The name can contain 1 to 20 characters.
      • A name containing only digits is allowed.
      • The name can contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_), and must start with a lowercase letter or uppercase letter.
      • The value cannot be empty.
    • Email is used to receive desktop provisioning emails and related notifications.

      Rules for verifying an email address:

      • Enter a valid email address through system verification.
      • The value can contain a maximum of 64 characters.
      • The value cannot be empty.
    • The mobile number is used to receive desktop provisioning emails and related notifications.
      Rules for verifying a mobile number:
      • [+][Country/Region code][Mobile number]
      • For a mobile number in the Chinese mainland, you can omit [+][Country/Region code] and directly enter the mobile number.
      • The mobile number can contain spaces, slashes (/), and hyphens (-).
    • Configure the user information, description, and account expiration settings as prompted.
    • Click Add User.

      Enter the email address or mobile number, or both.

    • Permission groups can be configured in batches.
    • The desktop name is automatically generated.
    • Click Add Desktop to add a desktop.
    • Configure the number of desktops as prompted.

    Create user > Manager Activation > Manual Input

    • Username is used for user authentication during desktop login.

      Rules for naming a username:

      • The name can contain 1 to 20 characters.
      • A name containing only digits is allowed.
      • The name can contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_), and must start with a lowercase letter or uppercase letter.
      • The value cannot be empty.
    • The initial password is authenticated when a user logs in to the desktop. Keep the initial password secure.
      • The password contains 8 to 32 characters.
      • The value can contain letters, digits, and the following special characters: !@$%^-_=+[{}]:,./?
      • The password cannot be the username or the reverse username.

        If your tenant connects to the enterprise ID, the Manager Activation method is unavailable by default.

    Create user > Manager Activation > Batch Import

    • Upload the users recorded in the table and create them in batches.
    1. Click Download Template on the right of Import user information to download the user list template.
    2. Enter the serial number, username, email address, mobile number, expiration time, and description in the table as required.
    3. Click Upload to upload the user list that has been filled in as required.
    4. Confirm the creation.

    The size of the file to be uploaded cannot exceed 1 MB. A maximum of 200 records can be uploaded at a time. Only .xlsx and .xls files are supported.

    Create user > User Activation > Batch Import

    • Upload the users recorded in the table and create them in batches.

  2. Click Next: Confirm the settings.

    The confirmation page is displayed.

Confirming the Settings

  1. Select Enterprise Project as needed.


    You can use an enterprise project to centrally manage your cloud resources and members by project.

  2. After verifying the information, read the disclaimer and select I have read and agree to the Image Disclaimer.
  3. Click Buy Now. After the task is submitted, click Return to cloud desktop list to check whether the desktop has been created.

    If the creation fails, check the failure cause. For details, see Viewing Desktops That Fail to Be Created.


    The login details for the newly purchased desktop will be emailed to the end user. The end user can refer to the email to activate the account, download the client, and configure and use the desktop. Administrators can view the purchased desktop in the desktop list.

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