Updated on 2024-03-08 GMT+08:00

Exporting Data


Run the following command to export data:
INSERT INTO [Foreign table name] SELECT * FROM [Source table name];


  • Example 1: Export data from table product_info_output to a data file using the product_info_output_ext foreign table.
    INSERT INTO product_info_output_ext SELECT * FROM product_info_output;
    If information similar to the following is displayed, the data has been exported.
    INSERT 0 10
  • Example 2: Export part of the data to a data file by specifying the filter condition WHERE product_price>500.
    INSERT INTO product_info_output_ext SELECT * FROM product_info_output WHERE product_price>500;

Data of a special type, such as RAW, is exported as a binary file, which cannot be recognized by the import tool. As a result, you need to use the RAWTOHEX() function to convert it to the hexadecimal format before export.