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Configuring Alarm Rules

Updated on 2023-11-21 GMT+08:00


Setting alarm rules allows you to customize objects to be monitored and notification policies so that you can closely monitor your instances.

Alarm rules include the alarm rule name, instance, metric, threshold, monitoring interval and whether to send notifications. This section describes how to set alarm rules.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click Service List. Under Management & Deployment, click Cloud Eye.

    Figure 1 Selecting Cloud Eye

  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Alarm Management > Alarm Rules.
  4. On the Alarm Rules page, click Create Alarm Rule.

    Figure 2 Creating an alarm rule

  5. Set alarm parameters.

    1. Configure basic alarm information.
      Figure 3 Configuring basic information for an alarm rule
      Table 1 Basic alarm rule information



      Example Value


      Name of the rule. The system generates a random name and you can modify it.



      (Optional) Alarm rule description.


    2. Select objects to be monitored and specify the monitoring scope.
      Table 2 Parameter description



      Example Value

      Alarm Type

      Alarm type that the alarm rule is created for. The value can be Metric or Event.


      Resource Type

      Type of the resource the alarm rule is created for.

      Select GeminiDB.



      Metric dimension of the alarm rule.

      Select InfluxDB-InfluxDB Nodes.


      Monitoring Scope

      Monitoring scope the alarm rule applies to.

      • If you select Resource groups and any resource in the group meets the alarm policy, an alarm notification will be sent.
      • After you select Specific resources, select one or more resources and click to add them to the box on the right.

      Specified Resources


      This parameter is mandatory when Monitoring Scope is set to Resource groups.


    3. Configure an alarm policy.
      Figure 4 Configuring the alarm policy
      Table 3 Parameter description



      Example Value


      Select Associate template, Use existing template, or Configure manually.


      If you set Monitoring Scope to Specific resources, you can set Method to Use existing template.

      Configure manually


      Select the template to be used.

      This parameter is available only when you select Use existing template for Method.


      Alarm Policy

      Policy for triggering an alarm. You can configure the threshold, consecutive periods, alarm interval, and alarm severity based on service requirements.

      • Metric Name: specifies the the metric that the alarm rule is created for.

        The following metrics are recommended:

        Storage Space Usage,

        which is used to monitor the storage usage of GeminiDB Influx instances. If the storage usage is greater than 80%, scale up the storage in a timely manner by referring to Scaling Up Storage Space.

        CPU Usage and Memory Usage,

        which are used to monitor the compute resource usage of each GeminiDB Influx instance node. If the CPU usage or memory usage is greater than 80%, you can add nodes or upgrade node specifications in a timely manner.

        For more metrics, see GeminiDB Influx Metrics.

      • Alarm Severity: specifies the severity of the alarm. Valid values are Critical, Major, Minor, and Informational.

        A maximum of 50 alarm policies can be added to an alarm rule. If any one of these alarm policies is met, an alarm is triggered.

      Take the CPU usage as an example. The alarm policy configured in Figure 4 indicates that a major alarm notification will be sent to users every 10 minutes if the original CPU usage reaches 80% or above for three consecutive periods.

    4. Configure alarm notification information.
      Figure 5 Configuring alarm notification information
      Table 4 Parameter description



      Example Value

      Alarm Notification

      Whether to notify users when alarms are triggered. Notifications can be sent by email, text message, or HTTP/HTTPS message.

      Enabling alarm notification is recommended. When the metric data reaches the threshold set in the alarm rule, Cloud Eye immediately notifies you through SMN that an exception has occurred.

      Enabled Alarm Notification.

      Notification Object

      Object that receives alarm notifications. You can select the account contact or a topic.

      • Account contact is the mobile phone number and email address of the registered account.
      • Topic is used to publish messages and subscribe to notifications. If the required topic is unavailable, create one first and add subscriptions to it.


      Notification Window

      Cloud Eye sends notifications only within the notification window specified in the alarm rule.

      For example, if Notification Window is set to 00:00-8:00, Cloud Eye sends notifications only within 00:00-08:00.


      Trigger Condition

      Condition for triggering an alarm notification. You can select Generated alarm (when an alarm is generated), Cleared alarm (when an alarm is cleared), or both.


    5. Configure advanced settings.
      Figure 6 Advanced settings
      Table 5 Parameter description



      Example Value

      Enterprise Project

      Enterprise project that the alarm rule belongs to. Only users with the enterprise project permissions can view and manage the alarm rule.


  6. After the configuration is complete, click Create.

    When the metric data reaches the threshold set in the alarm rule, Cloud Eye immediately notifies you through SMN that an exception has occurred.





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