Updated on 2024-03-15 GMT+08:00

GAUSS-00601 -- GAUSS-00610

GAUSS-00601: "Permission denied."


Description: You have no permission to run CREATE/ALTER/DROP ROLE.

Solution: Ensure that you have the permission to perform such an operation.

GAUSS-00602: "Separation of privileges is used,user can't be altered because of too many privileges."


Description: The permissions specified for users exceed the limit during rights separation.

Solution: Ensure that the permissions specified for users do not exceed the limit during rights separation.

GAUSS-00603: "The account has been locked."


Description: A user account is locked due to invalid operations.

Solution: Contact the system administrator to unlock the user account. The user account will be unlocked after the system administrator confirms no invalid operations. You can unlock an account only after confirming that no unauthorized operations are performed.

GAUSS-00604: "The replace password can not be NULL."


Description: The new password is empty.

Solution: Ensure the password: 1. Contains at least eight characters. This is the default length. 2. Differs from the user name. 3. Contains at least three of the following four character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters, including: ~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\|[{}];:,<.>/?. If you use characters other than the four types, a warning is displayed and you can modify the password.

GAUSS-00605: "The replace password is not equal to the role's password."


Description: The new password is the same as the old password.

Solution: Reset the new password.

GAUSS-00606: "The role's password is null in pg_authid, REPLACE should not be specified."


Description: The user password is not specified, and the value REPLACE is specified.

Solution: Specify the user password.

GAUSS-00607: "password sha256 encryption failed."


Description: Internal system error.

Solution: Contact technical support.

GAUSS-00608: "The password can not be NULL."


Description: The new password is empty.

Solution: Ensure the password: 1. Contains at least eight characters. This is the default length. 2. Differs from the user name. 3. Contains at least three of the following four character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters, including: ~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\|[{}];:,<.>/?. If you use characters other than the four types, a warning is displayed and you can modify the password.

GAUSS-00609: "Must be system admin to alter sysdba."


Description: You have no permission to delete system administrators.

Solution: Delete system administrators as a system administrator.

GAUSS-00610: "Permission denied to drop role."


Description: You have no permission to run DROP ROLE.

Solution: Ensure that you have the permission to perform such an operation.