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Version 8.1.1
V8.1.1.500 release date: June 20, 2022
[Release date of V8.1.1.300]: April 15, 2022
[Release date of V8.1.1.205]: March 30, 2022
[Release date of V8.1.1.203]: March 18, 2022
[Release date of V8.1.1.202]: February 24, 2022
[Release date of V8.1.1.201]: January 25, 2022
[Release date of V8.1.1.200]: December 9, 2021
[Release date of V8.1.1.100]: July 30, 2021
The database kernel functions of clusters,,,,,,, and are the same. Some functions are adapted to the management console. For details, see .
New features
Feature |
Description |
Reference |
2048 nodes in a cluster |
Supported up to 2048 nodes in a cluster. |
Resource monitoring performance tuning |
Lightweight UPDATE |
Primary key CU of column-store tables |
Supported primary key constraints of column-store tables. |
Space management |
Added the GUC parameter bi_page_reuse_factor. |
GDS productization |
Hot and cold data storage |
C function in SM4 CBC mode |
Added security functions gs_encrypt(encryptstr, keystr, cryptotype, cryptomode, hashmethod), gs_decrypt(decryptstr, keystr, cryptotype, cryptomode, hashmethod), and gs_hash(hashstr, hashmethod). Modified the description of gs_encrypt_aes128(encryptstr, keystr) and gs_decrypt_aes128(decryptstr, keystr). |
Support for the built-in MEDIAN function |
Added the function median(expression). |
Adjusting the cascade delete for tables with views |
Custom data redaction |
After the password expires, a user can log in to the database only after changing the password. |
1. "Keyword" in the SQL Syntax Added EXPIRATION (non-reserved). 2. Added the security function gs_password_expiration, and the description that the system prompts users to change their passwords after the gs_password_deadline password expires. This is related to the GUC parameter password_effect_time. 3. Added PASSWORD EXPIRATION period to the syntax ALTER ROLE, ALTER USER, and CREATE USER. 4. Added the following description to CREATE ROLE: number of days before the login password of a role expires. A user needs to change the password before it expires. If the login password expires, the user cannot log in to the system. In this case, the user needs to ask the administrator to set a new login password and use it to log in to the system. 5. Added the columns rolauthinfo, rolpwdexpire, and rolpwdtim to the system catalog PG_AUTHID. |
Increasing the hash table size |
Added the GUC parameter expand_hashtable_ratio. |
SMP adaptation enabled |
Added "Suggestions for SMP Parameter Settings". |
PRETTY as the default value of EXPLAIN |
Changed the default display format of EXPLAIN to PRETTY. Added the statistics of filtering and projection time to the new operator. The statistics and the operator execution time are displayed in the same row. |
Enhanced concurrent SMP |
row2vec optimization |
Added the GUC parameter enable_row_fast_numeric. |
MySQL compatibility |
Support for UPSERT |
Added the UPSERT syntax. Added IGNORE, AS, ON DUPLICATE KEY, and ON CONFLICT to the INSERT syntax. |
Support for the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations of views |
Added Updatable Views to "CREATE VIEW". |
One-click onsite information collection |
Added the STATS boolean parameter to the EXPLAIN syntax. |
One-click relationship analysis of a lock wait |
Combination with an empty string of the CHAR type |
Added the configuration item bpchar_text_without_rtrim to the parameter behavior_compat_option. |
Support for Python 3.x |
Supported Python 3. |
When to_date and to_timestamp process an empty string, 0001-01-01 is returned, and null is returned for TD. |
Obtaining all views queried by the current user |
Support for percentile_disc and percentile_cont |
Added the following aggregate functions: percentile_disc(const) within group(order by expression) percentile_cont(const) within group(order by expression) |
SQL Syntax
Change Type |
No. |
Name |
Change Description |
Add |
1 |
LIMIT offset, count |
The LIMIT offset,count syntax is supported. |
2 |
The EXPLAIN(STATS ON) syntax is supported. It is used to export information for regenerating a plan. |
3 |
Added the syntax for masking DDL statements. |
4 |
UPSERT is supported. |
5 |
INSERT OVERWRITE is supported. |
6 |
Users can change hot data to cold data in tables. |
7 |
ALTER VIEW ONLY view_name REBUILD is supported. |
8 |
You can update the configuration file of the HDFS server if the HDFS configuration was modified. |
Modify |
9 |
Operator |
In MySQL compatibility mode, XOR is used. In ORA or TD mode, exponentiation is used. |
10 |
An error will be reported if the target table of the MERGE INTO statement contains triggers. |
11 |
Added options about cold_tablespace and storage_policy in Reloptions. |
Change Type |
No. |
Name |
Change Description |
Add |
1 |
The COL_NAME_KEYWORD keyword is added. |
2 |
The COL_NAME_KEYWORD keyword is added. |
3 |
Non-reserved keyword |
Modify |
4 |
IF |
5 |
6 |
This keyword is changed from reserved to non-reserved. |
System Catalogs
Change Type |
No. |
Name |
Change Description |
Modify |
1 |
The func_expr column is added. |
2 |
The rolpwdexpire and rolpwdtime columns are added. |
System Functions
Change Type |
No. |
Name |
Change Description |
Add |
1 |
pgxc_wlm_readjust_schema_space() |
You can perform parallel calibration in schema space. |
2 |
pgxc_wlm_get_schema_space() |
You can query the schema space information of the cluster. |
3 |
pgxc_wlm_analyze_schema_space() |
You can analyze the schema space information of the cluster. |
4 |
gs_roach_enable_delay_ddl_recycle |
You can enable DDL delay by specifying a backup set name. |
5 |
gs_roach_disable_delay_ddl_recycle |
You can disable DDL delay by specifying a backup set name. |
6 |
gs_roach_stop_backup |
You can disable row-store backup by specifying a backup set name. |
7 |
gs_roach_switch_xlog |
You can configure whether to perform the checkpoint operation for xlog switch. |
8 |
pgxc_get_lock_conflicts() |
This function returns information about conflicting locks on nodes. |
9 |
mask_none/mask_full/mask_partial |
A built-in masking function is added. |
10 |
median |
The median agg function is added. |
11 |
pgxc_node_stat_reset_time() |
You can query the reset time of each node. |
12 |
pgxc_rel_iostat() |
You can query the I/O statistics of each node. |
13 |
pgxc_redo_stat() |
You can query the redo statistics of each node. |
14 |
pgxc_instance_time() |
You can query the time statistics of each instance. |
15 |
pgxc_settings() |
You can query the GUC settings of each node. |
16 |
pgxc_replication_slots() |
You can query the replication slot statistics of each node. |
17 |
pgxc_stat_replication() |
You can query the replication statistics of each node. |
18 |
pgxc_stat_bgwriter() |
You can query the statistics of the bgwriter process on each node. |
19 |
pgxc_wait_events() |
You can query statistics on the wait events of each node. |
20 |
pgxc_os_run_info() |
You can query the OS performance statistics of the servers where instances are deployed. |
21 |
get_node_stat_reset_time() |
You can query the time when the current node status is reset. |
22 |
get_local_rel_iostat() |
You can query the I/O statistics of the current node. |
23 |
get_instr_wait_event() |
You can query statistics on the wait events of the current node. |
24 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_blk_write_time() |
You can query the total block write time. |
25 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_blk_read_time() |
You can query the total block read time. |
26 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_temp_bytes() |
You can query the total size of temporary files. |
27 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_temp_files() |
You can query the total number of temporary files. |
28 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_deadlocks() |
You can query the total number of deadlocks. |
29 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_conflict_all() |
You can query the total number of conflicts. |
30 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_tuples_deleted() |
You can query the total number of deleted tuples. |
31 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_tuples_updated() |
You can query the total number of updated tuples. |
32 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_tuples_inserted() |
You can query the total number of inserted tuples. |
33 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_tuples_fetched() |
You can query the total number of fetched tuples. |
34 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_tuples_returned() |
You can query the total number of returned tuples. |
35 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_blocks_hit() |
You can query the total number of hit data blocks in the memory. |
36 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_blocks_fetched() |
You can query the total number of read data blocks. |
37 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_xact_rollback() |
You can query the total number of rollback transactions. |
38 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_xact_commit() |
You can query the total number of commit transactions. |
39 |
pg_stat_get_db_total_numbackends() |
You can query the total number of backends. |
40 |
gs_encrypt() |
Encryption function |
41 |
gs_decrypt() |
Decryption function |
42 |
gs_hash() |
Hash function |
43 |
gs_password_expiration() |
You can query the remaining password validity period (rolpwdtime and rolpwdexpire columns in the pg_authid system catalog) of the current user. |
44 |
to_char(date) |
The to_char(date) function is added to be compatible with the return format of the DATE timestamp processed by to_char in TD mode. |
45 |
gs_wlm_set_queryband_action |
You can configure the query_band load behavior. |
46 |
gs_wlm_set_queryband_order |
You can configure the search priority of query_band. |
47 |
gs_wlm_get_queryband_action |
You can query the query_band load behavior. |
48 |
A MYSQL compatibility rule is added. If the input parameter contains NULL, NULL will be returned. |
49 |
The TIMESTAMPDIFF function can be used to return the time difference in a specified unit. |
50 |
The TO_DAYS function can return the number of days between the input time and 0. |
51 |
The DATE_FORMAT function can convert an input date and time into a string in a specified format. The string is in MYSQL format and starts with %. |
52 |
IF |
The IF function can return the corresponding value based on the first input. |
53 |
The IFNULL function can return the first non-NULL value. |
54 |
The ISNULL function can check whether the input is NULL. |
Modify |
55 |
pg_resume_bkp_flag |
You can obtain the delay DDL flag during backup and restoration. |
56 |
pg_query_audit |
The begintime, operation_type, command_text, transaction_xid and query_id fields are added to audit logs. The time field is changed to endtime, and the type field is changed to audit_type. In addition, detail_info is used to store the command execution results instead of commands, which have been moved to command_text. |
57 |
pg_delete_audit |
For security purposes, the interface for deleting audit logs cannot be provided. If this function is called, an error will be reported. |
58 |
log() |
Logarithmic function. In ORA or TD mode, it represents a logarithm to base 10. In MySQL mode, it represents a natural logarithm. |
59 |
to_number |
The to_number function instead of the numeric_in function is called. In TD mode, if the input is an empty string, null will be returned. |
60 |
left() |
You can truncate a string. If the input parameter is a negative number, -n for example, all characters except the last |n| character will be returned in ORA or TD mode, and an empty string will be returned in MySQL mode. |
61 |
right() |
You can truncate a string. If the input parameter is a negative number, -n for example, all characters except the first |n| character will be returned in ORA or TD mode, and an empty string will be returned in MySQL mode. |
62 |
last_day |
Input parameters support the timestamptz type. In MySQL mode, the return type is date. In ORA or TD mode, the return type is timestamp. |
63 |
next_day |
Input parameters support the timestamptz type. In MySQL mode, the return type is date. In ORA or TD mode, the return type is timestamp. |
64 |
add_months |
Input parameters support the timestamptz type. In MySQL mode, the return type is timestamptz, while in ORA or TD mode, it is timestamp. |
65 |
add_months |
The date type is added to the input parameter. In MySQL compatibility mode, the return type is date, whereas in ORA or TD mode, it is timestamp. |
66 |
pg_cbm_recycle_file |
This parameter is added so that the concurrent backup and disaster recovery features can recycle CBM. |
67 |
pgxc_query_audit |
The begintime, operation_type, command_text, transaction_xid and query_id fields are added to audit logs. The time field is changed to endtime, and the type field is changed to audit_type. In addition, detail_info is used to store the command execution results instead of commands, which have been moved to command_text. |
68 |
login_audit_messages |
Enhanced the audit log feature. |
Delete |
69 |
add_policy/drop_policy/alter_policy/enable_policy/disable_policy |
The old data making interface was deleted. |
System Views
Change Type |
No. |
Name |
Change Description |
Add |
1 |
You can query the existing whitelist. |
2 |
You can query the schema space information of a node. |
3 |
You can query the schema space information of a cluster. |
4 |
You can analyze the schema space information of the cluster. |
5 |
You can query the information about conflicting locks on each node. |
6 |
You can query the information about lock waits in a distributed deadlock (including information about lock objects and lock holders). |
7 |
You can query the node reset time. |
8 |
You can check the reset time of the current node. |
9 |
You can query global database statistics. |
10 |
You can query global I/O statistics. |
11 |
You can query node I/O statistics. |
12 |
You can query the I/O statistics of the current node. |
13 |
You can query global redo statistics. |
14 |
You can query node redo statistics. |
15 |
You can query global workload transaction statistics. |
16 |
You can query instance time statistics. |
17 |
You can query node GUC settings. |
18 |
You can query the replication slot statistics of the nodes. |
19 |
You can query the replication statistics of the nodes. |
20 |
You can query node bgwriter statistics. |
21 |
You can query wait events on the nodes. |
22 |
You can query wait event statistics of the current node. |
23 |
You can query the OS performance statistics of the servers where instances are deployed. |
24 |
You can query the data distribution statistics of OBS cold and hot tables. |
25 |
You can encapsulate the pg_stat_get_node_bulkload_statistics function. |
26 |
You can encapsulate the pgxc_stat_get_node_bulkload_statistics function. |
27 |
This function can aggregate the query results of the pgxc_bulkload_statistics view and calculate the GDS service progress percentage. |
28 |
You can query all the query_band load behaviors. |
29 |
You can query the dependency between cascading query views. |
Modify |
30 |
The function_infos column is added to the system view definition. |
31 |
Fixed the problem that the round-robin table is not displayed in the PGXC_GET_TABLE_SKEWNESS view. |
32 |
You can query database statistics on each instance. |
Behavior Changes
Change Type |
No. |
Name |
Change Description |
Modify |
1 |
If the Not-null and CHECK constraints conflict, the details of the entire row are not printed. |
If the Not-null and CHECK constraints conflict, the details of the entire row are not printed. |
2 |
Compatible with C80 behavior. By default, the implicit type conversion from interval to text is not matched. |
If behavior_compat_options is set to enable_interval_to_text, this implicit type conversion is supported. |
3 |
Date type |
In ORA mode, the date type is reversely parsed as pg_catalog.date. |
4 |
Agg plan |
Required columns are generated when agg generates a stream plan. |
5 |
Median is used with collate. |
Collate cannot be used with median, percentile_cont, or percentile_disc. |
6 |
Modifications on multi-column partitioning |
The rule to check the boundary values of multiple columns during partition modification. If the boundary value of a column is the maximum value, the boundary values of other columns are ignored. |
7 |
Generate a plan with enable_nestloop is set to off and no association conditions. |
Assume there are two tables that do not have equivalent join conditions with each other, but have equivalent join conditions with other tables. If the number of joined rows increases, the nestloop plan can be executed. After the rectification, the nestloop plan cannot be executed. For equivalent join columns that do not support hashjoin, if mergejoin is set to off, the nestloop cost will change. The execution plan will change from Nestloop + Indexscan to Nestloop + Materialize. |
GUC Parameters
Change Type |
No. |
Name |
Change Description |
Add |
1 |
behavior_compat_options |
2 |
debug_group_dop |
You can configure the DOP of each stream group for statement-level optimization during SMP adaptation. This value is left empty by default. |
3 |
enable_row_fast_numeric |
Numeric data in row-store tables is flushed to disks in bigint format. |
4 |
expand_hashtable_ratio |
Dynamic extension of the hash table |
5 |
query_dop_ratio |
A logic DOP makes decisions based on the system resources and cost. If the decisions are inaccurate, a parameter is added for escape. The default value is 1. |
6 |
show_unshippable_warning |
A parameter is added to determine whether to print logs that have not been pushed down to the client. By default, the function is disabled. |
7 |
assign_abort_xid |
Session-level parameters are added. If data is deleted by mistake, incomplete recovery can be performed quickly. This parameter is left blank by default. The GUC parameter indicates rolling back the transaction submitted by a specific xid. |
8 |
bi_page_reuse_factor |
Idle FSM factor during batch insert reuse (0 indicates returning to the old logic) |
9 |
check_cu_size_threshold |
Userset level. When data is inserted to a column-store table, if the amount of data inserted to a CU is greater than check_cu_size_threshold, row size will be checked to avoid generating CUs greater than 1 GB. |
10 |
enable_light_colupdate |
Userset level, indicating whether lightweight update is enabled. |
Modify |
11 |
cost_model_version |
The parameter value option 2 is added. The default value 1 remains unchanged. If the value is less than 2, the original function will be used for fixed value sampling. If the value is greater than 2, the function improved to enhance randomness is used for fixed value sampling. |
12 |
expected_computing_nodegroup |
After an in-place upgrade, set expected_computing_nodegroup to bind. |
13 |
query_dop |
For a newly installed cluster, the default value is changed to 1. For an upgraded cluster, the default value remains unchanged. |
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