Bare Metal Server
Bare Metal Server (BMS) features both the scalability of VMs and high performance of physical servers. It provides dedicated servers on the cloud that offer the computing performance and data security.
Progressive Knowledge
BMS knowledge for users from beginner level to expert level

BMS application scenarios and types are provided to help you quickly select your desired type to match services. This facilitates rapid service migration to HUAWEI CLOUD.
Introduction to BMS

You can create BMSs in different ways based on your business requirements. After creating a BMS, you can log in to it and initialize its data disks.
Creating a BMS
Logging In to a BMS
Initializing Data Disks

Several BMS APIs and calling examples help you manage BMSs, flavors, EVS disks, NICs, and security groups.
API Reference

For example, deploy a web application on a BMS.
Getting Started

Be a Power User
You can manage lifecycles, reinstall OSs, and adjust quotas of your BMSs. In addition, you can view monitoring data in real time to learn about the BMS health status.
Common Operations
Network and Security
Resources and Tags
Server Monitoring
Learn more about common issues and solutions.
Typical Cases
How Are BMSs Different from ECSs?
What Are the Differences Between BMSs and Traditional Physical Servers?
What Are the Differences Between EIPs, Private IP Addresses, and Virtual IP Addresses?
What Are the Restrictions on Using BMSs?
What Are Pre-payment and Post-payment? How Do I Choose Between Them?
Where Can I Query the BMS Price?
How Do I Change the SID of a Windows Server 2012 BMS?
How Do I Change the Kernel Version of CentOS 7 BMSs?
Remote Login
What Are the Preparations for Logging In to a BMS?
What Can I Do If I Cannot Log In to a Linux BMS?
What Do I Do If I Select the Key Authentication Mode When Creating a BMS But Want to Log In to the BMS Using a Password?
What Do I Do If the SSH Login or Data Transmission Is Slow?
What Can I Do If the Login Page Does Not Respond?
How Do I Increase the Swap Partition Size?
How Can I Handle the Eight-Hour Difference Between the Windows BMS and Local Time?
How Do I Set the Password Validity Period?
How Do I Configure the Static Host Name of a BMS?
How Do I Set SSH Configuration Items?
How Do I Increase the Size of the Root Partition of a BMS Which Is Quickly Provisioned?
How Do I Roll Back the Kernel Version If I Mistakenly Upgrade the Kernel?
Can BMSs of Different Accounts Communicate with Each Other over an Internal Network?
How Do Two BMSs in the Same Region But Different AZs Communicate with Each Other?
Can BMSs Communicate with ECSs in the Same VPC?
Can I Associate a BMS with Multiple Security Groups?
Will I Obtain an EIP That Has Been Released?
Can EVS Disks Be Attached to BMSs? How Many Data Disks Can Be Attached to a BMS?
How Do I Change the Disk Identifier in the fstab file to UUID?
Why Is the Disk Capacity Displayed in the BMS OS Less Than That Displayed on the Official Website?
How Can I Quickly Provision BMSs Using EVS Disks?
Are the EVS Disk Device Names on the Console and the Device Names in BMS OSs Consistent?
Why Is the EVS Disk Size Not Updated in the BMS OS After the EVS Disk Capacity Has Been Expanded?
Key Pair and Password
Technical Topics
Technologies, expert opinions, and courses